Black Sands mit Arnie

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Black Sands mit Arnie

Beitrag von Kruger » 30.10.2011, 02:06

Schwarzenegger Signs On For Action Flick Black Sands

The question of whether Arnold Schwarzenegger would successfully be able to return to acting after his stint as governor of California seems to have been answered, and the answer is a resounding "you betcha." With multiple film projects already lined up, the 64-year-old former governator has added another to his queue. Deadline is reporting that Arnie will star in Black Sands, an action flick to be directed by Scott Waugh and Mike McCoy.

Based on a screenplay by Hollywood action go-to guy Skip Woods (X-Men Origins: Wolverine, The A-Team), Black Sands will cast Schwarzenegger as a loner facing off against an arms manufacturer and their private army. Set in the American Southwest, it sounds like it might have a little Walking Tall vibe to it, and Deadline describes it as "Man on Fire meets High Plains Drifter." Black Sands is set to start production next April.

Black Sands is one of a number of action-oriented projects Schwarzenegger has joined since leaving office. He popped up as a cameo in The Expendables, and he's returning in a big way in the sequel. He's also headlining The Last Stand alongside a crazy cast that includes Forest Whitaker, Johnny Knoxville, and Thor's Jaimie Alexander. And then there's The Governator...

As for the rest of the crew, directors Waugh and McCoy have their background in stunt work, and just teamed up to direct Act of Valor, an upcoming Navy SEAL flick that stars actual Navy SEALs. As for screenwriter Skip Woods, he's been working on a little, low-profile sequel called A Good Day to Die Hard. We'll keep our fingers crossed and try to forget some of the more unfortunate titles on Woods' resume. ... 27604.html

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Beitrag von SFI » 30.10.2011, 07:12

Auf der anderen Seite hätte Arnie nach der Auszeit die Chance gehabt, ganz andere Projekte zu wählen und quasi eine Art Charakterschauspieler zu werden. :shock: :lol: Nicht das es bald heißt: Action-Opa!

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Beitrag von Orco » 30.10.2011, 11:00

Irgendwann nennen euch eure Enkel auch Action Opas...das muss ja nichts schlechtes sein 8-)
Und wenn sich deine Schulter bewegt, dann seh ich das.

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Beitrag von Kruger » 30.10.2011, 13:33

Scheinbar schwenkt er jetzt aber auf bodenständigere Filme um. Wie wär's mal mit einem neuen Sci-Fi-Projekt? Da könnte er ja einen Opa spielen, der mit modernster Technik zum Supermensch gemacht wird. Oder so. ;)


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