Crossface (Wrestler Chris Benoit Biopic)

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Crossface (Wrestler Chris Benoit Biopic)

Beitrag von StS » 09.09.2016, 17:01

Alex A. Ginzburg and Tony Lee of Let It Play announced today that Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Lexi Alexander (Punisher: War Zone) has signed on to direct Crossface, the true story of wrestler Chris Benoit.

Based on the book, “Ring of Hell: The Story of Chris Benoit & the Fall of the Pro Wrestling Industry” by Matthew Randazzo V, Crossface will tell the story of WWE superstar Chris Benoit as he struggles to maintain his family life, while the pressures of wrestling cause him to spiral out of control. Benoit was a well respected, world champion wrestler, who, over the course of a weekend in June 2007, murdered his wife and son before taking his own life. It was later discovered that Benoit was posthumously diagnosed with CTE, severe brain degeneration, believed to be associated with his career as a wrestler.

Alexander will direct from a script by Jake Goldberger and Sarah Coulter. Alex A. Ginzburg and Tony Lee will produce for Let It Play. Executive Producers are Ram Getz and Matthew Randazzo V.


Action Fan
Action Fan
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Beitrag von djoli » 11.09.2016, 10:46

Krass dass die das Verfilmen. Was sagt die WWE dazu?
Vielleicht war das Pulver feucht...
Oder du bist einfach nur scheiße!


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