Die Mumie 3: Das Grabmal des Drachenkaisers
RobCohenTheMummy.comA great deal has happened on the movie: we have successfully moved to Shanghai, we have finished Jet Li’s time with us in the movie and today, I finish sweet, sweet Michelle Yeoh. I have two weeks of a crazy chase and a few days of the O’Connell Family drama in Jonathan’s Egyptian-themed nightclub in Shanghai named appropriately "IMHOTEP’S," complete with scantily clad dancers, live orchestra and deco motifs.
Quelle: RobCohenTheMummy.comAs you can see from the new video from Todd Grossman, the production of "The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" is enshrouded in nights but just around the corner lies the light of day and the airport. We have two more long nights on the Shanghai streets and four days in ‘IMHOTEP’S," Jonathan’s Egyptian-Deco nightclub on The Bund. (You haven’t lived till you see John Hannah in a bright blue brocade tux!) Yes, it is that time when the long process is behind me and a new half of the production lies ahead - the post: editing, 700 visual effects shots, sound design, music, mixing and setting the final look in the digital intermediate. This second half of the process will be as pressured as the first half since I must turn over the finished movie in early July so that thousands of prints can get struck in time to ship to our worldwide openings.
Quelle: RobCohenTheMummy.comAfter 91 days of shooting and 2,021 shots, "THE MUMMY: TOMB OF THE DRAGON EMPEROR" has wrapped. [...]
I was grateful that, having staged over 500 stunts, not one actor or stuntman was hurt, only one close call for our great stunt woman Ming Qiu doubling Michelle Yeoh in a wire ratchet but, after X-rays, she was all good. [...]
I will continue to update you on the post-production process, give you sneak peaks, and take you right through to the world premiere in Beijing, China on July 24, 2008.
Most people think that once you’ve finished shooting, you are mostly done. Nothing could be more untrue. What lies ahead, editing, sound effects, design, score, 800 visual effects shots, the mix, timing the digital intermediate with Simon Duggan my D.P., the release plans, art, advertising, marketing---they all lie ahead and within each are countless challenges.
Quelle: RobCohenTheMummy.comJoel, Kelly and I continue with the editing process. The film is running 2 hours and 5 minutes long and strong and we continue to refine it in preparation for our first studio screening February 28th. Here all the Universal execs will get to see it unveiled for the first time. I have taken many of them into my confidence already showing large swaths of the movie to Marc Shmuger, the chairman, Donna Langley, the president of production and Jeff Kirschenbaum the senior v.p. Everyone has been really stoked. Whew!
I showed the entire film to Adam Fogelson, Eddie Egan and Frank Chiocchi, the marketing heads, because it is critical they have as much time to work on the film’s presentation to you, the audience, as possible. We should have the teaser trailer out within a month and, hopefully, you will find it as exciting as I have dreamt this year of work to be.
I will talk to Universal about premiering the teaser here on my blog so that you, who have showed so much interest in my film, will get to see it first. I’ll let you know what they say.
Jet Li came by the editing room last week. He was extremely pleased by the sections I showed him, which was personally satisfying to me as I hold him in great regard.
Quelle: phantastik-news.deEs scheint, als würden die Filme der "Die Mumie"-Reihe zu einem größeren Franchise: Maria Bello, die im nächsten Film als Ersatz von Rachel Weisz fungiert, hat in einem MTV-Interview offenbart, dass sie für insgesamt drei weitere Filme dieser Serie bereits unterschrieben habe. Nach "Die Mumie 3: Das Grabmal des Drachenkaisers" werde der vierte Teil am Amazonas spielen. Erst kürzlich war bekannt geworden, dass es neben einer Fortsetzung des "Scorpion King"-Ablegers auch mindestens einen weiteren Film um den Sohn des Fraser-Charakters geben soll.
Quelle: RobCohenTheMummy.comI have shown the film to the exec’s at Universal and they are through-the-roof ecstatic. We screened a few weeks ago for all the relevant department heads (home video, distribution, foreign, p.r., marketing, etc.) and the reaction was unanimous. It’s running around 1 hr. 53 minutes and, daily as we hone, it’s taking its final shape. The studio has been very collaborative and supportive. You know they love it when they ask you if you need any more money to enhance the visual effects budget!!! Are there more shots that I want to do but didn’t have the money to do?!!! Of course, the answer is yes; there is never enough to entertain the audience in any film.
the studio’s marketing department headed by Adam Fogelson, Eddie Egan, and Frank Chiocchi cut a cool teaser trailer and debuted it at Showest in Vegas week before last and it played off the chart to 2000 cigar chomping guys who own all the theaters in the United States. Some of the effects in it were temp so I am now polishing them up so it can be released in theaters soon.
Musste sehr lachen, als ich das las. Normalerweise würde ich nämlich angesichts der beschriebenen Situation annehmen, dass die Studio-Fritzen dachten: Verdammt, das sieht ja nicht so fein aus! Mist! Bei "the Mummy 2" hat das ja schon nicht hingehauen - und der Rob hat auch "Stealth" in der Hinsicht einigermaßen versiebt. Damn! Vielleicht kann man ja mit mehr Geld noch was retten...SFI hat geschrieben:Quelle: RobCohenTheMummy.comI have shown the film to the exec’s at Universal and they are through-the-roof ecstatic. We screened a few weeks ago for all the relevant department heads (home video, distribution, foreign, p.r., marketing, etc.) and the reaction was unanimous. It’s running around 1 hr. 53 minutes and, daily as we hone, it’s taking its final shape. The studio has been very collaborative and supportive. You know they love it when they ask you if you need any more money to enhance the visual effects budget!!! Are there more shots that I want to do but didn’t have the money to do?!!! Of course, the answer is yes; there is never enough to entertain the audience in any film.
the studio’s marketing department headed by Adam Fogelson, Eddie Egan, and Frank Chiocchi cut a cool teaser trailer and debuted it at Showest in Vegas week before last and it played off the chart to 2000 cigar chomping guys who own all the theaters in the United States. Some of the effects in it were temp so I am now polishing them up so it can be released in theaters soon.

Website online: http://www.themummy.com/
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