On Friday, some potentially troublesome word broke through The LA Times that suggested that Dredd director Pete Travis was no longer involved in the film and that writer/producer Alex Garland had stepped in as his post-production replacement. Today, an official update has been issued from both Travis and Garland that reads as follows:
"During all stages of the filmmaking, 'Dredd' has been a collaboration between a number of dedicated creative parties. From the outset we decided on an unorthodox collaboration to make the film. This situation has been misinterpreted. To set the record straight, Pete was not fired and remains a central part of the collaboration, and Alex is not seeking a co-director credit. We are all extremely proud of the film we have made, and respectfully suggest that it is judged on viewing when its released next year."
Judge Dredd (Reboot)
Der Regisseur wurde wohl doch nicht (in der vermeldeten Form) rausgekantet...
Inhaltsangabe - klingt beknackt, Die Hard im Hochhaus die Zwanzigste! 

ab 02:50 erste bewegte Bilder:
- MasonStorm
- Kinderkommando
- Beiträge: 612
- Registriert: 10.01.2011, 12:29
- Wohnort: Bochum
Denke der wird floppen! Der Trailer zeigt rein gar nix Innovatives, selbst die Sets und Kulissen wirken B-Movie mäßig. So sehr ich den Urban auch mag, aber das schaut zu sehr nach http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DpVg9rt ... re=related aus. 

- LivingDead
- Action Fan
- Beiträge: 3777
- Registriert: 06.06.2006, 14:13
- Wohnort: Oldenburg
Comic-Con Review: 8/10
http://www.joblo.com/horror-movies/news ... view-dredd
http://www.joblo.com/horror-movies/news ... view-dredd

From the casting to the hypnotic score by Paul Leonard-Morgan, to the copious amounts of crushed heads, this is a superhero flick that has balls and then some. DREDD is a perfect answer to the more mainstream and safe action films that are usually playing at a theatre near you.
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