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Nemesis (2012) by Tony Scott

Verfasst: 09.08.2010, 07:25
von SFI
20th Century Fox has acquired the film rights to writer Mark Millar ("Wanted," "Kick-Ass") and artist Steve McNiven's graphic novel "Nemesis," with Tony Scott attached to direct and Scott Free producing. Marvel describes the title as follows:

CIVIL WAR? Nothing. KICK-ASS? A warmup. What if the smartest, toughest costumed bad ass in the world was totally evil? Meet Nemesis. He's systematically been destroying the lives of every police chief in Asia, and he's now set his sights on Washington, DC. Between you and me, the police don't have a chance. Do not miss the book that EVERYONE will be talking about by the creative team that made CIVIL WAR the biggest book of the decade.

Verfasst: 09.08.2010, 08:46
von freeman
Pfuh, ich tu mich etwas schwer, den Tony als Comicregisseur zu sehen ... Von der Bildsprache her könnte es passen, aber ne Vorlage von Millar dürfte für den aktuellen Tony ein wenig zu hinterhältig und hinterfotzig sein ...

In diesem Sinne:

Verfasst: 09.08.2010, 11:21
von Sir Jay
der hat aber nichts zu tun mit dem Oliver Gruner Vehikel oder?

Verfasst: 09.08.2010, 14:34
von SFI
doch ist das Prequel :lol: