MPAA Rating: R (for some language)
Official Website:
Trailer:Directed by Sundance and Emmy-award winning filmmaker, Lee Hirsch, "Bully" is a beautifully cinematic, character-driven documentary. At its heart are those with huge stakes in this issue whose stories each represent a different facet of America's bullying crisis.
"Bully" follows five kids and families over the course of a school year.
Stories include two families who have lost children to suicide and a mother awaiting the fate of her 14-year-old daughter who has been incarcerated after bringing a gun on her school bus. With an intimate glimpse into homes, classrooms, cafeterias and principals' offices, the film offers insight into the often cruel world of the lives of bullied children.
As teachers, administrators, kids and parents struggle to find answers, "Bully" examines the dire consequences of bullying through the testimony of strong and courageous youth. Through the power of their stories, the film aims to be a catalyst for change in the way we deal with bullying as parents, teachers, children and society as a whole.
In den USA hat die Doku von der MPAA ein R-Rating aufgrund von "Language" erhalten, was leider verhindert, dass das Werk (seines Zeichens eins mit einem derart wichtigen und brisanten Inhalt) an amerikanischen Schulen gezeigt werden darf - also genau dort nicht, so es eigentlich den größten Sinn machen würde! Aus diesem Grund wurde eine Online-Petition ins Leben gerufen, um die MPAA eventuell doch noch umzustimmen, ein PG-13-Rating zu vergeben. Angeblich fiel die Entscheidung zugungsten eines R-Ratings auch nur mit einer einzigen Stimme Mehrheit...
Wer interesse hat, sich daran zu beteiligen - obgleich wir hierzulande ja im Grunde nichts damit "am Hut" haben - kann das auf folgender Seite tun. Bislang wurden bereits mehr als 137.600 "Signatures" erfasst - eine davon (entsprechend) meine...Dear MPAA:
Your decision, by one vote, to issue an “R” rating for the film “Bully” is wrong. It will prevent millions of teenagers from seeing a film that documents the epidemic of bullying in American schools.
This film has the potential to change the world and change the culture of violence in many schools. But your decision to give this movie an R means that the people who need to see this movie the most -- teenagers who are either bullying their peers or suffering from violence and torment at the hands of bullies -- won’t get to see this film. Nor will this film be allowed to be shown at middle schools and high schools in this country.
Please reconsider your decision to give Bully an R and give it a PG-13 instead.
Thank you. ... n-r-rating