Wanted 2 und 3

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Wanted 2 und 3

Beitrag von SFI » 03.09.2008, 07:24

As the DVD release for the film version of Mark Millar and JG Jones’ Wanted looms on the horizon (Millar’s completed his work for it already), and the film’s worldwide box office total hovers near the $260 million mark the focus has shifted to Wanted 2 and...Wanted 3.
Word of the sequel came early on, just after the movie opened, actually. Millar said that he remembers the moment well. "At the premiere, everybody knew that it was going to make a lot of money, and we were all buzzing," Millar told Newsarama. "On the way out, Mark Platt, the main producer put his arms around me and JG and said, ‘Okay, so what’s the plan for Wanted 2?’ I looked at him and said, ‘There is no plan,’ and he said to me, ‘Okay, well, have something for us next week.’"
Millar has said before that he and Jones would not be going back to Wanted in a comic book sequel to the original 2004 miniseries, and he’s sticking to that pledge. "I’ve got this reputation of being a total whore, and even when I’m adamant about something like this, people don’t believe me, but there is nothing else coming from Wanted," Millar said. "That six issues was the end. I love doing new stuff anyway - I get bored so quickly."
That’s not to say he’s not doing something for Wanted 2 though...
"What I will be doing is providing them with a very small amount of stuff for a story, and that will be used as a basic story that they can build from. It will be a small outline that can possibly be picked apart and not used - but it will be something exclusively for the second film, and no one will ever really see it."
Given that the film version of the story differs from the comic book version in a number of ways (some quite substantial) Millar’s outline will be set in the film’s continuity, but will reach back to the comics. "It will be some of the stuff that we didn’t utilize from the first book for the movie - like chapters three and four - there will be some stuff from that, so in the loosest sense it will be based on the book, but only very little," Millar said. "The nice thing about owning it and creator-owned properties is that JG and I will still be producers on the thing, and will still obviously get paid for the rights."
Millar acknowledged that he too had heard that Terence Stamp has said his character of Pekwarsky would be coming back for the sequel, and reportedly play a much larger role. Also, Wanted screenwriters Derek Haas and Michael Brandt have been at work on the screenplay for the sequel for some time.
Even though it’s his first comic book to make the leap to film, Millar’s taking it all in stride, and talking like a poolside-sitting, cigar-chomping, sunglass-wearing Hollywood insider. "The minute the movie came out and made $55 million the opening weekend, they knew it would be headed toward the $300 million mark in theaters, and another $200 estimated on DVD," Millar said. "So they invested $100 million in it, and made $500 million back, and they were really pleased with that, so immediately, Wanted 2 and 3 were greenlit, and James [McAvoy] was signed on for another two movies, so there’s a larger plan at work here."
While Millar declined to mention any plot specifics that he’s suggested to the producers and screenwriters in his outlines, he did reflect on Wanted’s creation and originally writing the project - a time when veering off to write a creator-owned project caused some strife in the Millar household.
"I remember what my wife said to me about five years ago when I was writing Wanted - ‘Oh I wish you were just doing six issues of X-Men again," because we were doing Wanted for virtually nothing, and here’s it’s turned out to be a nice long-term bet," Millar said. "Obviously in comics, both Marvel and DC - they really don’t take care of you when you’re an older guy and after you’ve done your work, so it’s nice having these things out there that will keeping bringing in money even after you’ve done your time with the big publishers. You start to realize that Robert Kirkman is right in a lot of ways. Creator-owned work is the kind of stuff that will take care of you when you’re older

Quelle: newsarama.com

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Beitrag von SFI » 06.11.2008, 14:53

Interview mit Drehbuchautor Chris Morgan:
Yes, I will be writing it," confirmed Morgan. "I’m actually leaving this conversation with you to go to a meeting with the director, Timur [Bekmambetov], and we’re talking about the story."
According to Morgan, Universal Pictures is in the final stages of negotiating a deal with Millar for a sequel to the June 2008 film, which was a box-office success despite diverging significantly from the story in the graphic novel. Millar hasn’t given any indication that he’ll be penning a print follow-up to "Wanted," but as with other projects adapted from his work, the comic book writer is expected to take an active role in shaping the over-arching story.
"As far as I know, the studio is finishing their deal with Mark [Millar], and then we’re all going to get together and collaborate," said Morgan, a longtime comics fan. "And that’s something I’m very excited about."
As for the plot of the second film, Morgan acknowledged the difficulty of scripting the sequel to a film in which most of the supporting cast is, well... dead. While Terence Stamp has teased that his character, Pekwarsky, will be making a return in "Wanted 2," one of the only other characters to survive the first film was the film’s lead, Wesley Gibson (played by James McCavoy).
"That is the challenge here," laughed Morgan, "but the point is to continue the journey that Wes started in the first film. Wherever he ended up at the end of the film, now it’s time to move him forward."
"There’s a natural journey that Wes needs to take," continued Morgan, adding that the sequel "is going to be opened up to be more global."
However, Morgan was quick to add that the film is very much in the early stages of story development at this point, "so anything I tell you about is likely to change."
Quelle: mtv.com

„Fate: Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.“

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Beitrag von SFI » 14.06.2009, 14:30

The famous film director and producer Timur Bekmambetov is going to start preparatory work on the sequel of Wanted.
"In July we will start preparation for the film. I think in the late autumn or winter shooting will be performed" - Mr. Bekmambetov said to RIA Novosti. "The shooting will take place in America, India and Russia" - added he.
The film director and producer promised that in the sequel he would bring back to life Angelina Jolie’s character, who perished at the end of the first movie. In addition to that, new characters will be introduced in the sequel.
"As for the character played by Kostya Khabenskiy, we’ll think about it. We might possibly resurrect him as well" - the film director said.
The movie with the $ 150 million budget became the first Hollywood production on such a large scale made by a film director from Russia and with participation of a Russian crew (computer graphic, costumes, make-up, etc.)
Quelle: Russia-IC.com

„Fate: Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.“

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Beitrag von Seemi » 15.06.2009, 10:40

Wie wollen die denn die Angelina wiederbeleben? Künstliches Herz, wie in Crank2, oder was? :lol:
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The Punisher
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Beitrag von The Punisher » 15.06.2009, 16:15

Stichwort Dolly :lol:

"And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from
Thy hand.That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth
to Thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patri Et Filii.Spiritus Sancti"

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Beitrag von C4rter » 15.06.2009, 16:42

The Punisher hat geschrieben:Stichwort Dolly :lol:
Mit Implantaten? :lol:

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Beitrag von Alucard » 15.06.2009, 19:57

C4rter hat geschrieben:
The Punisher hat geschrieben:Stichwort Dolly :lol:
Mit Implantaten? :lol:



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Beitrag von freeman » 16.06.2009, 08:13

Alucard hat geschrieben:Bild


In diesem Sinne:

The Punisher
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Beitrag von The Punisher » 16.06.2009, 16:20

Alucard hat geschrieben:
C4rter hat geschrieben:
The Punisher hat geschrieben:Stichwort Dolly :lol:
Mit Implantaten? :lol:


Du hast es erfasst 8-)

"And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from
Thy hand.That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth
to Thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patri Et Filii.Spiritus Sancti"

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Beitrag von SFI » 26.02.2010, 14:41

Universal craved a sequel to Angelina Jolie’s assassination tango/loom tutorial Wanted. Unfortunately for the studio, Jolie is leaving them... wanting. We’ve just heard the actress has pulled out of the planned Timur Bekmambetov-directed sequel at Universal, and the studio has pulled the plug rather than recast the film.
Quelle: nymag.com

„Fate: Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.“

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Beitrag von Alrik » 26.02.2010, 14:51

Sollen die Rhona Mitra nehmen. Die ist genauso eine gute Action Actress wie Angie und für mich bereits deren Nachfolgerin.
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Beitrag von McClane » 27.02.2010, 10:57

Ist schon OK, dass das Ganze gestorben ist... ein besseres Sequel wär vermutlich eh nur drin gewesen, wenn der Regisseur anstelle von Jolie gegangen wäre.
Jimmy Dix: "Du glaubst wohl nicht an die Liebe?" - Joe Hallenbeck: "Doch ich glaube an die Liebe. Ich glaube auch an Krebs." [Last Boy Scout]

Perry Van Shrike: "Look up 'idiot' in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?" - Harry Lockhart: "A picture of me?" - Perry Van Shrike: "No! The definition of the word idiot, cause that is what you fucking are!" [Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang]

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Registriert: 09.08.2004, 07:58
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Beitrag von SFI » 28.09.2011, 05:33

It appears that Wanted 2 is finally moving forward at Universal Pictures. Derek Haas, who, with writing partner Michael Brandt, adapted the 2008 original, tweeted the following this morning:

Michael and I were just hired by Uni to write WANTED 2.

Following the post, The Wrap caught up with Haas, who said that the film is currently without a director but that the storyline will, "take off after the events of what just happened. Pick up Wesley a few years later and go back in for another round."

Though unconfirmed, the implication is that James McAvoy will return to the role of Wesley Gibson, an accountant-turned-assassin. The original also starred Morgan Freeman and Angelina Jolie, but at least the latter does not plan on returning.

"Being dead makes it difficult," she said last year, "They were [trying to bring me back], but I kind of feel like if I die in a movie, I should die actually... It would just be doing the exact same thing in another movie, so it's not that interesting to me."
Quelle: comingsoon.net

„Fate: Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.“


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