John Carpenter's: Sie Leben (Remake)

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John Carpenter's: Sie Leben (Remake)

Beitrag von SFI » 04.12.2008, 14:56

Da braucht man heutzutage nicht mal Aliens, man könnte auch die aktuelle US Regierung nehmen. :lol:

John Carpenter's cult 1988 film is getting the remake treatment from Universal and studio-based Strike Entertainment, which are in negotiations to acquire the film rights with rights holder Les Mougins.

Strike's Marc Abraham and Eric Newman will produce, while Shep Gordon of Les Mougins and Carpenter will serve as executive producers.

The original film, part sci-fi thriller and part social satire, told the story of a down-on-his-luck construction worker (Roddy Piper) who discovers glasses that let him see aliens walking among us and controlling humanity. The man races against the clock to find a way to stop them.

The movie is known for a fight scene that lasts 51⁄22 minutes and for the line, "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum."

Gordon, an entrepreneur and music impresario who worked with Alice Cooper and Blondie, holds the rights, having financed the film as part of a multipicture deal with Carpenter that also included "Prince of Darkness" and "Village of the Damned." Universal distributed the film as part of an output deal Gordon constructed.


„Fate: Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.“


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