Quelle: moviesonine.caHouse of Flying Daggers is a truly fantastic foreign film and today while doing some morning reading of Production Weekly I discovered Sam Raimi it seems is going to be remaking the movie. The trend of remaking films is definitely getting out of hand when we start remaking classic asian films which feel like they were literally just released.
I am a huge fan of Sam Raimi but have to ask why he or his production company is so fixated on remakes as of late. They have alot of really cool new original stuff coming including Drag Me To Hell and BURST so what gives with the remakes? Are you interested in seeing a remake of this film?
House of Flying Daggers (Remake)
House of Flying Daggers (Remake)
Aha & LOL
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Ein Remake das die Welt nicht braucht 

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Thy hand.That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth
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