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R.I.P., David Carradine
Verfasst: 04.06.2009, 16:49
von StS
David Carradine Found Dead
Source: CNN, June 4, 2009
"Kung Fu" and "Kill Bill" star David Carradine has been found dead at the Park Nai Lert Hotel in Junfan Mulay, Bangkok, Thailand. He was 72.
Carradine was in Thailand filming his latest film Stretch, according to his manager Chuck Binder, who said the news was "shocking. He was full of life, always wanting to work... a great person."
The initial police investigation indicated that Carradine had hanged himself and was found by a hotel maid sitting in a wardrobe with a rope around his neck. Binder said Thursday that the death is being investigated but could provide no other details.
Carradine became famous in the 1970s when he starred in the television series "Kung Fu." Modern audiences may best know him as Bill in Quentin Tarantino's "Kill Bill" films.
His career included more than 100 feature films, two dozen television movies and theater work.
Verfasst: 04.06.2009, 17:11
von SFI
Krass! RIP Kicker
Verfasst: 04.06.2009, 17:15
von John_Clark
Scheisse :( Hab gestern noch angefangen Martial Law zu gucken :(
Verfasst: 04.06.2009, 17:41
von Hannibal
Holy Shit, das is aber echt kacke. Hab den immer ganz gern gesehen!
R.I.P. David "Bill" Carradine!
Verfasst: 04.06.2009, 18:03
von Sir Jay
Kenne ihn nur aus kill bill und mcquade der wolf...eine ziemlich coole und charismatische sau war er schon; schade um seinen Tod.
Verfasst: 04.06.2009, 18:26
von MysteryBobisCREEPY
oh.... may he rest in peace!
Verfasst: 04.06.2009, 18:33
von C4rter
Verfasst: 04.06.2009, 19:56
von TomHorn
Auch gerade gelesen, verdammte Scheiße! :(
Verfasst: 05.06.2009, 07:17
von StS
Carradine Death Was Accidental
4 June 2009 3:05 PM,
David Carradine died during a sex game that went wrong, according to sources in Bangkok, Thailand, where he was found dead on Thursday.
Carradine's body was discovered in a hotel suite and local reports suggested he committed suicide.
He was discovered by a maid, naked and hanged, but the suggestions his death had a sexual twist were strongly disputed by the star's close friend, attorney Vicki Roberts, and his manager Chuck Binder, who insisted he died of natural causes.
But a statement from Carradine's representative now indicates the actor died during a sex act.
The spokesperson tells, "We can confirm 100 per cent that he never would have committed suicide. It was an accidental death. Everybody is in shock."
Rumours Carradine died attempting auto-erotic asphyxiation - where victims achieve heightened sexual pleasure by restricting their air supply - are backed up by a quote a Bangkok police officer gave to British newspaper The Sun.
The cop tells reporters, "A rope was attached to his neck and also to his penis".
Rocker Michael Hutchence was rumoured to have died attempting the same sex act in a Sydney, Australia hotel room back in 1997 - although his death was officially declared a suicide.
Carradine was in Thailand to shoot new movie Stretch. He was 72.
Verfasst: 05.06.2009, 08:14
von freeman
Naja, wenigstens wie ein Mann beim Figge abgetreten. Was will man(n) mehr. Erinnert ein wenig an seinen sexgeilen Charakter in Crank II ;-)
RIP David!
In diesem Sinne:
Verfasst: 05.06.2009, 08:50
von Hannibal
freeman hat geschrieben:Naja, wenigstens wie ein Mann beim Figge abgetreten. Was will man(n) mehr.
Aber scheinbar nur bei der MOF-Variante des figgens....das is dann wieder ziemlich dürftig...;-)
Verfasst: 05.06.2009, 11:20
von John_Clark
freeman hat geschrieben:Naja, wenigstens wie ein Mann beim Figge abgetreten. Was will man(n) mehr. Erinnert ein wenig an seinen sexgeilen Charakter in Crank II ;-)
RIP David!
In diesem Sinne:
Figge wars wohl nicht.... ... nfall.html
Verdient so was nicht einen Hall of Fame-Eintrag?

Verfasst: 06.06.2009, 10:02
von jack warrior
na das war mein erster gedanke als ich von seinem tod gelesen habe und da stand nackt ... dachte ich mir bestimmt stand er auf selbst würgen beim wixxen... tja und ich hab wohl recht behalten. schade schade