Zu dem Schluss kommt man wohl mittlerweile bei jedem van Damme außer bei Harte Ziele.Vor allem Bolo Yeung gegen Van Damme ist ja mal lahmstes Kinderballett

Bei einigen Filmen ist es allerdings leider wirklich so. Die Mumie (von Sommers) hat mich zuletzt dahingehend auch heftigst erschreckt. Da scheinen die Effekte SD-Qualität zu haben, während die genialen Bilder drumherum (man sieht jedes einzelne Sandkorn) halt feinstes HD liefern. Will net wissen, wie das in 4K ausschautVince hat geschrieben:Enttäuscht, weil die Bildqualität zu gut ist? Hört man auch nicht so oft. ;)
Quelle: denofgeek.comThe Next Generation, DS9, and Voyager were all shot in this manner — on 35mm film, with post-production done on videotape — which means no 35mm finished negatives exist for these episodes. While it was relatively simple to remaster The Original Series and The Animated Series into HD, these other Star Trek series created a problem.
Why do we have a high-definition remaster of The Next Generation, then? We're actually so, so lucky that we do. CBS and Paramount decided to do something never before done: go back to the original negative of the 178 episodes of The Next Generation and rebuild the post-production in high-definition for each one. As Burnett describes:
"The original edits would be adhered to exactly, but all the original negative would have to be rescanned, the VFX re-composed, the footage re-color-timed, certain VFX, such as phaser blasts and energy fields, recreated in CG, and the entire soundtrack, originally only finished in 2 channel stereo, would be remastered into thunderous, 7.1 DTS .
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