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The Money

Verfasst: 06.03.2013, 07:51
von SFI

Izek kommt als Immigrant nach Los Angeles und will sich dort den amerikanischen Traum erfüllen. Als junger Unternehmer schafft er es bald erfolgreich zu sein und auch seine große Liebe zur schönen Aline wird erwidert. Alles scheint perfekt zu sein. Doch die eigene Vergangenheit, vor der er eigentlich fliehen wollte, holt ihn gnadenlos ein. Als dann auch noch sein Cousin Levi bei ihm auftaucht und versucht mit 2,8 Millionen geklauten Dollar aus dem Drogengeschäft auszusteigen, wird Izek mit in die komplette Unterwelt der Stadt reingezogen, in der jeder seinen Preis zahlt... (1 DVD)

Actiongeladene Hochspannung mit Bestbesetzung: Edward Furlong, James Caan, Steven Bauer, Paul Sorvino, Oded Fehr, Sammy Sheik, Jeffrey Tambor u.a.

Im Handel ab 24.05.2013

(c) Koch Media

Verfasst: 06.03.2013, 09:30
von StS
Übrigens ne Meldung von heute... :wink:
Edward Furlong Sentenced to 6 Months in Jail for Violating Probation

Prison seems to be becoming Edward Furlong's home away from home.

The Terminator 2: Judgment Day star, who was jailed in Van Nuys, Calif., last month for alleged battery, has now been sentenced to six months behind bars for violating his probation from a 2010 case.

"Despite the best efforts of my office, and with the cooperation of the City Attorney and the Court in this case, Mr. Furlong had the opportunity to avoid Jail in a deal my office worked out which would of resolved not just this case but two other criminal cases in Beverly Hills, by checking himself into a drug rehabilitation program, a very unusual disposition in a case that alleged violence," Furlong's attorney Brian Michaels told E! News.

He added, "Sadly, Mr. Furlong rejected all proposals to get into drug rehabilitation, and the Court, ultimately decided that it was forced to sentence to him a hefty amount of jail time. We are hopeful that Mr. Furlong uses this experience, unpleasant as it may be, to revisit the issue of Rehab when he is released."

Jail records revealed today that Furlong may be released in late May, even though Superior Court Judge Dennis Mulcahy directed officials not to release the actor early or give him credit for time served.

Furlong was placed on three years' probation in November 2010 for violating a restraining order put in place by his then-wife, Rachael Kneeland.


Verfasst: 06.03.2013, 14:51
von SFI
Der hatte ja schon in T2 solche Tendenzen, letztendlich war es damals noch unbegreiflich warum er Arnie die 2 unschuldigen Spacken in der Gasse verprügeln ließ. :lol: