Fury - Herz aus Stahl

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Fury - Herz aus Stahl

Beitrag von SFI » 11.02.2015, 17:05


April, 1945. Während die Alliierten ihren letzten und entscheidenden Vorstoß in den Kriegsschauplatz von Europa wagen, kommandiert ein kampferprobter Army Sergeant namens Wardaddy (Brad Pitt) einen Sherman Panzer und dessen fünfköpfige Besatzung auf einer tödlichen Mission hinter den Feindeslinien. Zahlen- und waffenmäßig weit unterlegen, müssen sich Wardaddy und seine Männer gegen überwältigend große Widerstände behaupten, während sie versuchen, mitten im Herzen von Nazi-Deutschland zuzuschlagen.

VÖ: 07.05.2015

(c) Sony

„Fate: Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.“

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Registriert: 04.10.2005, 21:43
Wohnort: Harsh Realm, Hannover

Beitrag von StS » 11.02.2015, 19:05

Mit Empfehlung der Russen... :lol:
Russia's Culture Minister: Filmmakers Should Learn From 'Fury'

Russia’s Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky has called on local filmmakers to learn how to make a war movie from the creators of Fury, last fall's Hollywood production toplined by Brad Pitt. To some extent, the statement contradicts the minister's earlier anti-Hollywood stance.

"[Fury is] an excellent war film," Medinsky was quoted as saying by the Russian news agency RIA Novosti. "Five out of five. Everything was brilliant — the idea, the actors, the plot and the execution.

"That's only a shame that they used a well-known, popular story that happened to a Soviet tank," he went on to say. "I don't know if something like that ever happened in America. But there was a story like that with our tank, although it was more dramatic as everyone died."

According to Medinsky, Hollywood filmmakers know how to make war films and "are doing it in a superb way, and we have much more material for good films than the Americans, so we need to learn."



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