Top Ten Michael Bay Facts

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Top Ten Michael Bay Facts

Beitrag von Hannibal » 26.07.2009, 13:15

1. Some people want to know why there isn't a book for Transformers 2. Others want to know why there wasn't a script either.

2. Everything Michael Bay cooks explodes... with flavor!

3. Michael Bay once made an explosion so big, it never went out. We now call it "The Sun".

4. Michael Bay doesn't use toilet paper, he uses reviews.

5. Michael Bay can eat TNT and steel and crap out Hand Grenades.

6. Michael Bay has 2 speeds: Slow motion and on fire.

7. God made the Universe. Michael Bay added the explosions.

8. Every object in Michael Bays house is made of steel because he loves the sound so much.

9. The mirrors in M.B.'s home are angled so that he only sees his profile in front of a setting sun.

10. The floorboards in Michael Bay's house shake, so it feels like he is in one of his movies.

Action Fan
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Beitrag von Hannibal » 26.07.2009, 13:17

- Michael Bay does not believe in cigarette lighters, he blows up gas stations instead.

- Michael Bay once filmed on the moon... thats where the craters came from.

- Michael Bay once put hand grenades in his cornflakes box just for the excitement.

- Michael Bay will retire to Iceland because the sunset lasts longer.

- If Michael Bay smashes a plate and you blow up a plate factory, Michael Bay has caused more damage.

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Beitrag von Seemi » 26.07.2009, 14:54

Sehr geil. Mal sehen ob das auch so eine Welle nach sich zieht wie die Chuck Norris Facts.
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Sir Jay
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Beitrag von Sir Jay » 26.07.2009, 15:32

das mit dem Review-Toiletten papier rockt xD

jack warrior
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Beitrag von jack warrior » 26.07.2009, 18:29

komm manches ist lahm manches fetzt..

John Woo
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Beitrag von John Woo » 26.07.2009, 18:49

Sehr geil :D

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Beitrag von Montana » 27.07.2009, 21:42

- Michael Bay once filmed on the moon... thats where the craters came from.

Geil... :lol: Der neue Chuck Norris xD

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Beitrag von Cinefreak » 14.09.2010, 12:43

ey, bei allem Verständnis, aber vergleich Actiongott Michael Bay nicht mit so ner Luftpumpe wie Kack Norris :roll: :wink:
aber sonst ne geile idee mal :lol:
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Beitrag von tech-c » 14.09.2010, 13:24

sagst du nur solange, bis der Chuck dir nen Roundhousekick verpasst :lol:
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Beitrag von Cinefreak » 14.09.2010, 15:29

tech-c hat geschrieben:sagst du nur solange, bis der Chuck dir nen Roundhousekick verpasst :lol:
ach ich vergaß ja, Chuck kann nix..äh alles :lol: :wink: :D
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