Welcher van Damme Charakter bist du?
Welcher van Damme Charakter bist du?
http://www.brainfall.com/quizzes/which- ... e-are-you/
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Ist leidlich lustig. Auf jeden Fall passts zu uns.

Jason Stathams bruudale Mördertitten figgen gelini71´ Papagei, der sich ne Lederkluft umgeschwungen hat weil er auf anale Liebe steht. Die Backstreet Boys sind auch dabei und machen bruutalen Analsex mit ihren erregierten Analwürmern.
- The Punisher
- Action Experte
- Beiträge: 6764
- Registriert: 11.08.2004, 22:02
- Wohnort: I am Groot
You are Max Walker from "Timecop!"
You’re a mover and a shaker, always in the right place at the right time.

You’re a mover and a shaker, always in the right place at the right time.

"And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from
Thy hand.That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth
to Thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patri Et Filii.Spiritus Sancti"
Ich bin Luc Deveraux aus "Universal Soldier": You marched to the beat of their drums, but now you’re done with that. You are a super-being, and no one can stop you!
Jimmy Dix: "Du glaubst wohl nicht an die Liebe?" - Joe Hallenbeck: "Doch ich glaube an die Liebe. Ich glaube auch an Krebs." [Last Boy Scout]
Perry Van Shrike: "Look up 'idiot' in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?" - Harry Lockhart: "A picture of me?" - Perry Van Shrike: "No! The definition of the word idiot, cause that is what you fucking are!" [Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang]
Perry Van Shrike: "Look up 'idiot' in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?" - Harry Lockhart: "A picture of me?" - Perry Van Shrike: "No! The definition of the word idiot, cause that is what you fucking are!" [Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang]
- LivingDead
- Action Fan
- Beiträge: 3777
- Registriert: 06.06.2006, 14:13
- Wohnort: Oldenburg
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