Festival of the Living Dead (von den Soska Sisters)

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Festival of the Living Dead (von den Soska Sisters)

Beitrag von StS » 01.04.2024, 18:09

While attending a festival to commemorate the original zombie attack, Ash and her friends encounter the undead and must fight back or be devoured.

Festival of the Living Dead will bite into Tubi on April 5. The new zombie film is set decades after Night of the Living Dead, centered on the grandchildren of that film’s main character.

The Soska Sisters tweet, “The film is a sequel to Romero’s masterpiece original Night of the Living Dead – the story follows Ben’s grandchildren 55 years after the incident.”

Ben was of course played by late actor Duane Jones in Romero’s Night of the Living Dead, who bravely battled the shambling undead before being killed by the film’s human villains.


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