"Shiver Me Timbers" und "Popeye the Slayer Man" (2 Filme)
"Shiver Me Timbers" und "Popeye the Slayer Man" (2 Filme)
In Shiver Me Timbers, Olive Oyl, her brother Castor and friends, go on a camping trip to see the meteor shower with Halley’s Comet. But the night turns into horror as a meteor transforms Popeye into an unstoppable killing machine. With thrilling 80s slasher references and comedic twists, the film combines elements of horror and comedy in a fresh take on both genres. Shiver Me Timbers pays tribute to classic slasher films while delivering hilarious moments, shocking scares, and nostalgic nods that will delight both horror and Popeye fans alike.
Re: Shiver Me Timbers (Popeye Slasher Comedy)
Ich wünsche mir demnächst mal eine Slasher-Comedy, in der alle Low-Budget-Möchtegernfilmemacher, die Slasher-Comedys über beliebte Kinderfiguren machen wollen, von einem irren Schlitzer dahingerafft werden, ehe sie ihren Billigrotz auf die Menschheit loslassen.
Jimmy Dix: "Du glaubst wohl nicht an die Liebe?" - Joe Hallenbeck: "Doch ich glaube an die Liebe. Ich glaube auch an Krebs." [Last Boy Scout]
Perry Van Shrike: "Look up 'idiot' in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?" - Harry Lockhart: "A picture of me?" - Perry Van Shrike: "No! The definition of the word idiot, cause that is what you fucking are!" [Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang]
Perry Van Shrike: "Look up 'idiot' in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?" - Harry Lockhart: "A picture of me?" - Perry Van Shrike: "No! The definition of the word idiot, cause that is what you fucking are!" [Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang]
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