Quelle: thr.comChristopher Landon will be directing Scream 7! The Radio Silence team of Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett, and Chad Villella remain attached to the project as executive producers. It’s not clear if Scream 2022 and Scream VI writers James Vanderbilt and Guy Busick will be writing the script, or if Landon will be writing it himself. The scripting issue won’t be figured out until the writers strike ends.
Scream 7
Scream 7
Re: Scream 7
Wenn Vanderbilt und Busick das Ding nicht schreiben, dann wäre das schon mal ein Fortschritt. Wobei der Drops eigentlich gelutscht ist... schon Teil 6 kam viel zu schnell.
Jimmy Dix: "Du glaubst wohl nicht an die Liebe?" - Joe Hallenbeck: "Doch ich glaube an die Liebe. Ich glaube auch an Krebs." [Last Boy Scout]
Perry Van Shrike: "Look up 'idiot' in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?" - Harry Lockhart: "A picture of me?" - Perry Van Shrike: "No! The definition of the word idiot, cause that is what you fucking are!" [Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang]
Perry Van Shrike: "Look up 'idiot' in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?" - Harry Lockhart: "A picture of me?" - Perry Van Shrike: "No! The definition of the word idiot, cause that is what you fucking are!" [Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang]
Re: Scream 7
Nach Posts wie...
“Gaza is currently being treated like a concentration camp,” she wrote in one post on Instagram stories. “Cornering everyone together, with no where to go, no electricity no water … People have learnt nothing from our histories. And just like our histories, people are still silently watching it all happen. THIS IS GENOCIDE & ETHNIC CLEANSING.”
...wurde Melissa Barrera nun gefeuert.
Das Statement dazu:
“Spyglass’ stance is unequivocally clear: We have zero tolerance for antisemitism or the incitement of hate in any form, including false references to genocide, ethnic cleansing, Holocaust distortion or anything that flagrantly crosses the line into hate speech.”
“Gaza is currently being treated like a concentration camp,” she wrote in one post on Instagram stories. “Cornering everyone together, with no where to go, no electricity no water … People have learnt nothing from our histories. And just like our histories, people are still silently watching it all happen. THIS IS GENOCIDE & ETHNIC CLEANSING.”
...wurde Melissa Barrera nun gefeuert.
Das Statement dazu:
“Spyglass’ stance is unequivocally clear: We have zero tolerance for antisemitism or the incitement of hate in any form, including false references to genocide, ethnic cleansing, Holocaust distortion or anything that flagrantly crosses the line into hate speech.”
Re: Scream 7
Tja, was in Gaza abgeht ist ja eine Sache, aber solche Leute gehören nicht nicht einmal wegen der Aussage an sich gefeuert, sondern weil sie das aufgrund ihrer Begriffsstutzigkeit tun. Ab zum Regale einräumen. 

Re: Scream 7
Jenna ist auch raus... allerdings freiwillig.
Deadline is now reporting that Jenna Ortega will also not be returning for the slasher sequel.
Deadline clarifies, “This has nothing to do with the fallout from Melissa Barrera‘s firing yesterday by Spyglass Media over that actress’ social media repostings on the Hamas-Israel conflict; nor does it have to do with the actress asking for an end to her Scream contract.”
The website also notes, “We understand that Ortega’s exit from the next Scream was discussed before the actors strike. A script for Scream VII is not ready yet, and the Primetime Emmy nominee has to head to Ireland in April to shoot the second season of Netflix’s Wednesday which will go into the summer.” (Joblo.com)
Re: Scream 7
Update zum aktuellen Gameplan...
Variety details, “It seemed to some fans like the planned sequel was collapsing in real time. However, even before Barrera was fired, plans for the next Scream were being retooled. Ortega’s exit had required the creative team to make some alterations, according to individuals with knowledge, but there were still hopes that the actress might be convinced to come back for some sort of cameo. That no longer seems to be in the cards. Another source familiar with the franchise disputed this, saying Ortega was never in the mix for the new film.”
“James Vanderbilt and Guy Busick, the writers of the previous two Scream installments, will now work on a fresh draft to present to filmmakers,” Variety continues. “Some set pieces and twists may be preserved, but the movie will need to find new protagonists.”
Variety’s report also mentions Neve Campbell and Patrick Dempsey as actors the studio may potentially be interested in bringing into Scream 7, but they make it clear that neither actor has been in active negotiations up to this point. Dempsey hasn’t been seen in the franchise since Scream 3, while Campbell didn’t appear in Scream VI due to a salary dispute. (Bloody-Disgusting.com)
Re: Scream 7
Damit sinken die Chancen auf eine Qualitätssteigerung bei Teil 7 schon mal.“James Vanderbilt and Guy Busick, the writers of the previous two Scream installments, will now work on a fresh draft to present to filmmakers,”
Jimmy Dix: "Du glaubst wohl nicht an die Liebe?" - Joe Hallenbeck: "Doch ich glaube an die Liebe. Ich glaube auch an Krebs." [Last Boy Scout]
Perry Van Shrike: "Look up 'idiot' in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?" - Harry Lockhart: "A picture of me?" - Perry Van Shrike: "No! The definition of the word idiot, cause that is what you fucking are!" [Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang]
Perry Van Shrike: "Look up 'idiot' in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?" - Harry Lockhart: "A picture of me?" - Perry Van Shrike: "No! The definition of the word idiot, cause that is what you fucking are!" [Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang]
Re: Scream 7
Regiemann wirft das Messer:
Re: Scream 7
Großes Update: Neve Campbell kehrt zurück ... Kevin Williamson führt Regie!
Re: Scream 7
Klingt eigentlich ja echt vielversprechend, aber umso bittere wäre es dann, sollten sie es verkacken. Da Williamson in den letzten Jahren fast ausschließlich fürs TV gearbeitet hat und ich keine seiner Serien bisher gesehen habe, kann ich auch nicht sagen, wie lang seine letzte Großtat zurückliegt.
Jimmy Dix: "Du glaubst wohl nicht an die Liebe?" - Joe Hallenbeck: "Doch ich glaube an die Liebe. Ich glaube auch an Krebs." [Last Boy Scout]
Perry Van Shrike: "Look up 'idiot' in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?" - Harry Lockhart: "A picture of me?" - Perry Van Shrike: "No! The definition of the word idiot, cause that is what you fucking are!" [Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang]
Perry Van Shrike: "Look up 'idiot' in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?" - Harry Lockhart: "A picture of me?" - Perry Van Shrike: "No! The definition of the word idiot, cause that is what you fucking are!" [Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang]
Re: Scream 7
US Start: 27.02.2026
Re: Scream 7
Isabel May spielt die Tochter von Neve Campbell’s Sidney Prescot.
Re: Scream 7
... und Matthew Lillard
Re: Scream 7
Scott Foley (aus Teil 3) auch.
Beide sind ja eigentlich tot... also mal sehen, was daraus gemacht wird.
Re: Scream 7
David Arquette kehrt ebenfalls zurück.
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