Impulse ("Jumper" als Serie - by Doug Liman)

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Impulse ("Jumper" als Serie - by Doug Liman)

Beitrag von StS » 23.03.2018, 15:48


YouTube has released the teaser trailer for Impulse, a ten-episode, hour-long YouTube Red Original Drama from acclaimed action and sci-fi director Doug Liman (Edge of Tomorrow, Bourne Identity). Feel the darkness brooding in this moody teen sci-fi series when you watch the video in the player below.

In Impulse, 16-year-old Henry Coles is an outsider in her new town of Reston, New York. With a major chip on her shoulder and no friends, she remains withdrawn and isolated, but everything changes when a traumatic encounter with a classmate triggers something deep within Henry— unleashing a power she cannot control.

It should be no surprise given the premise of the show that Impulse is Liman continuing the work he’s done with the 2008 adolescent sci-fi film Jumper. That film was based on the first book of a series of novels written by Steven Gould. Impulse adapts the story from the third entry of that series.

The show stars Maddie Hasson, Missi Pyle, Sarah Desjardins, Enuka Okuma, Craig Arnold and David James Elliott.


Man schauen, was bei rumkommt...

Action Experte
Action Experte
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Registriert: 07.10.2007, 15:02

Beitrag von McClane » 24.03.2018, 15:16

Kann ja fast nur besser werden als der Film. Müsste aber viel viel viel viel besser sein um gut zu werden.
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