Echo 3 (Apple+ Action-Thriller-Serie von Mark Boal)

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Echo 3 (Apple+ Action-Thriller-Serie von Mark Boal)

Beitrag von StS » 18.10.2022, 18:21

Mark Boal, the writer of Academy Award-winning films The Hurt Locker and Zero Dark Thirty, provides us with a new action thriller from AppleTV+. The new series, Echo 3, stars Luke Evans, Michiel Huisman, Jessica Ann Collins, and James Udom.

The official AppleTV+ synopsis reads, “Echo 3 is an action-packed thriller set in South America that follows Amber Chesborough (Collins), a brilliant young scientist who is the emotional heart of a small American family. When Amber goes missing along the Colombia-Venezuela border, her brother, Bambi (Evans), and her husband, Prince (Huisman) – two men with deep military experience and complicated pasts – struggle to find her in a layered personal drama, set against the explosive backdrop of a secret war. Echo 3 also stars Martina Gusman as Violetta, a prominent political columnist. The series features James Udom, Maria Del Rosario, Alejandro Furth, Juan Pablo Raba and special guest star, Bradley Whitford. Echo 3 is also based on the award-winning series “When Heroes Fly,” created by Omri Givon, and inspired by the eponymous novel by Amir Gutfreund.”

Ab dem 23.11. verfügbar.
Hätte ich Apple+, würde ich mir die auf jeden Fall ansehen.

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Re: Echo 3 (Apple+ Action-Thriller-Serie von Mark Boal)

Beitrag von SFI » 19.10.2022, 06:20

Sieht gut aus. Apple hat zwar wenige, aber dafür hochwertig produzierte Serien, die auch inhaltlich was taugen.

„Fate: Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.“


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