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Moderator: SFI
Diese Zeilen sind ein Highlight dieses Forums!!!Orco hat geschrieben: Ich würd mir in so nem Fall alle McGyver Folgen ins Gedächnis zurückrufen und mir eine Rüstung bauen, ich würd Zäune ziehen, ich würd meine Knarren mit Isolierband an die Hände kleben damit ich sie immer dabei hab denn ich würd keine einzigste Sekunde ohne Waffe rumlaufen und ich geh ganz sicher nicht baden und ich streichel keine Hunde und ich esse auch kein Fleisch mehr um nicht angesteckt zu werden ernähre mich nur noch von Gemüse und Beeren und jetz benutz ich auch keine Satzzeichen mehr weil die Serie so sch**** ist das sie es einfach nicht verdient hat
The webisodes will give fans the opportunity to explore the back story of Hannah (Lilli Birdsell), better known as "Bicycle Girl," the infamous zombie from season one, who was shot by Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) in the pilot episode and who is one of the most celebrated "walkers" from last season.
Fans will learn about Hannah's life before the apocalypse, her struggle to survive and protect her family as the world begins to fall apart, and her ultimate demise into zombie-hood.
The web series is produced by Generate, conceived and directed by "The Walking Dead" Co-Executive Producer Greg Nicotero with teleplay by John Esposito.
All six episodes debut on Monday, October 3 at 2pm ET on amctv.com.
(Shock Till You Drop)
Nach tollen Quoten und guten Kritiken für den Start der 2. Staffel...gelini71 hat geschrieben:Die erste Folge von Staffel 2 war mal wieder Schnarchlangweilig..., wenn das so weitergeht dann gute Nacht.
StS hat geschrieben:AMC Renews The Walking Dead for a Third Season
Source: AMC, October 25, 2011
AMC announced today the renewal of "The Walking Dead" for a third season. Season two continues to deliver the strongest telecasts for any drama in basic cable history against Adults 18-49 shattering a basic cable record set nearly 10 years ago for a single drama telecast ("The Dead Zone"). "The Walking Dead" is based on the comic book series written by Robert Kirkman and published by Image Comics. Glen Mazzara serves as series' showrunner. Kirkman, Gale Anne Hurd, David Alpert and Frank Darabont are executive producers. Greg Nicotero is a co-executive producer.
"Today we are pleased to announce that the 'dead' shall live as we proudly renew 'The Walking Dead' for a third season on AMC and, globally, with our terrific partners at Fox International Channels," said Charlie Collier, AMC's President. "We are thankful for everyone's contribution in front of and behind the camera as we continue to make 'The Walking Dead' a unique television experience. And, we are so proud as it continues to set viewership records around the world."
FOX International Channels rolled-out its global launch for "The Walking Dead" this weekend, with premieres on FIC's cable networks in Europe, Asia, Latin American, Africa and the Middle East. The series' international premieres delivered equally impressive results in all major international TV markets, and broke pay-TV ratings' records across the world. Over 10 million viewers in 122 countries tuned in live to watch the second season premiere of this highly anticipated returning drama. And, FIC will once again be the international broadcasting partner for the series with Entertainment One continuing to distribute in non-FIC markets.
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