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Bodies (1 Leiche in 4 Jahrhunderten / Netflix-Serie)

Verfasst: 31.08.2023, 18:11
von StS

In “Bodies,” four detectives, living in four different eras – 1890, 1941, 2023 & 2053 – find the body of the same murder victim in London’s Whitechapel. They soon come to realize their investigations have them central to a mysterious conspiracy spanning over 150 years.

The eight-episode series from the United Kingdom premieres October 19, 2023, and it’s based on the same-titled graphic novel from creator Si Spencer that was published in 2015.

Re: Bodies (1 Leiche in 4 Jahrhunderten / Netflix-Serie)

Verfasst: 01.09.2023, 05:48
von SFI
Steile Prämisse, da bin ich dabei!