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Isaac Asimovs: Foundation

Verfasst: 17.01.2009, 08:43
von SFI
Columbia won an auction late Thursday for screen rights to "Foundation," Isaac Asimov's ground breaking science fiction trilogy. The film will be developed as a directing vehicle for Roland Emmerich.
Emmerich and his Centropolis partner Michael Wimer will produce the film. The deal was mid six-figures against low seven figures.

Verfasst: 13.02.2010, 06:28
von SFI
Isaac Asimov's "Foundation" trilogy is a pillar of the science-fiction community, and director Roland Emmerich is planning to model his three-picture adaptation of the tome after the biggest movie in the history of cinema.

MTV News has exclusively learned from Emmerich himself that "Foundation" will be a 3-D epic using technology similar to the CG motion-capture techniques used in "Avatar."

"The 'Avatar' technology applies to 'Foundation,' " Emmerich said. "It has to be done all CG because I would not know how to shoot this thing in real."
When asked if that meant 'Foundation' would be in 3-D and mo-cap, Emmerich replied, "Yes."

Probed even further, Emmerich said he's looking forward to a new challenge at this point in his career. "Probably now all big movies have to be 3-D," he said. "It's not only the effect of 3-D, ['Avatar' has] just shown that if you do a movie in 3-D, you can ask for more money and that's the trick. I think now everybody who does bigger movies has to shoot them in 3-D. I think there's no way around it. I was on the set of 'Avatar' and I saw how it worked and I really thought, 'That's the ultimate way of making movies.' "

After working to develop a story with Robert Rodat ("Saving Private Ryan"), Emmerich said he expects to receive a draft of the script before the end of the week. "Rumor has it on Friday I get the script," he said.

We'll have more to come soon on Emmerich's insights into his "Foundation" adaptation, including the adjustments necessary to shape Asimov's tales into a manageable big screen storyline and his wariness about the wrath of hardcore Asimov fans.

Verfasst: 13.02.2010, 06:34
von gelini71
Außer dem Buchtitel wird diese Verfilmung rein gar nix mit Asimov zu tun haben , da gebe ich Brief & Siegel drauf :roll:

Verfasst: 15.02.2011, 14:37
von SFI
A much more likely option for the near future - neutrinos permitting - is Emmerich's long-gestating take on Isaac Asimov’s none-more-cerebral space odyssey, Foundation. Tweaks to Robert Rodat’s script aside, decision time is fast approaching for the CG-fuelled adaptation. Says Emmerich: "We’ve hired a production designer and it’s mainly now to find out what the movie will cost. It’ll take us until the end of March, then we’ll decide. The studio’s happy with the script, but now’s the time that the numbers count. I want to make a movie that’s very different from other science-fiction movies and I don’t want to have the burden of too big a budget.

Verfasst: 18.09.2013, 07:46
von SFI
"We're trying to do it as a big mini-series," says Emmerich, "but even there you would have to change the story itself and set it in a time when the galaxy has fallen apart and then you're pretty much making a TV show with all these characters and playing all the scenes out. You can [do that] and we'll see what happens. We tried so hard [to make it into a movie], honestly, because it's one of my most favorite books. I just love it."

Verfasst: 11.11.2014, 06:40
von SFI
Previously planned as a Roland Emmerich feature film, an adaptation of Isaac Asimov's classic science fiction novel series, "Foundation," is heading to HBO with Interstellar scribe Jonathan Nolan producing. TheWrap has the news, reporting that the project is in development from HBO and Warner Bros. Television.

Re: Isaac Asimovs: Foundation

Verfasst: 23.06.2020, 07:54
von SFI
First Look


Re: Isaac Asimovs: Foundation

Verfasst: 23.06.2020, 08:09
von StS
SFI hat geschrieben:
23.06.2020, 07:54

Re: Isaac Asimovs: Foundation

Verfasst: 23.06.2020, 08:41
von deBohli
Das schaut wirklicht toll aus. Nur beim Satz von Goyer, betreffend der Arbeitsweise von Apple, kam mir die Galle hoch. :lol:

Re: Isaac Asimovs: Foundation

Verfasst: 23.06.2020, 15:31
von SFI
Besser als die urprüngliche Variante mit Emmerich. :lol: Mal sehen, gibt dann wohl ein Probemonat. :lol:

Re: Isaac Asimovs: Foundation

Verfasst: 06.10.2020, 21:59
von Murdock

Re: Isaac Asimovs: Foundation

Verfasst: 07.10.2020, 07:04
von SFI

Re: Isaac Asimovs: Foundation

Verfasst: 28.06.2021, 15:53
von SFI
Neuer Trailer

Re: Isaac Asimovs: Foundation

Verfasst: 19.08.2021, 17:22
von StS

Re: Isaac Asimovs: Foundation

Verfasst: 20.08.2021, 06:06
von SFI
I´m in! Fragt sich nur wie! :lol:

Re: Isaac Asimovs: Foundation

Verfasst: 19.09.2021, 07:20
von SFI

Re: Isaac Asimovs: Foundation

Verfasst: 09.10.2021, 06:42
von SFI
Erhält eine 2. Staffel.

Re: Isaac Asimovs: Foundation

Verfasst: 09.10.2021, 07:34
von kami
Bedauerlicherweise erhält die Serie viel zu wenig Buzz.

Re: Isaac Asimovs: Foundation

Verfasst: 09.10.2021, 11:11
von Montana
kami hat geschrieben:
09.10.2021, 07:34
Bedauerlicherweise erhält die Serie viel zu wenig Buzz.
Jap. Leider das einzige was bei Apple TV+ zieht :-(
Empfehlung: Beim Kauf eines neuen I-Phone kriegt man ein gratis Jahr :lol:

Re: Isaac Asimovs: Foundation

Verfasst: 09.10.2021, 15:48
von SFI
Ich las leider auch schon etliche durchschnittliche Kritiken und das imdb-rating ist für einen potentiellen Serienkracher tendenziell zu niedrig.

Re: Isaac Asimovs: Foundation

Verfasst: 02.02.2022, 06:40
von SFI

Re: Isaac Asimovs: Foundation

Verfasst: 05.01.2023, 05:44
von SFI

Re: Isaac Asimovs: Foundation

Verfasst: 12.05.2023, 05:55
von SFI

Re: Isaac Asimovs: Foundation

Verfasst: 13.06.2023, 16:51
von SFI

Re: Isaac Asimovs: Foundation

Verfasst: 06.07.2023, 17:13
von SFI

Re: Isaac Asimovs: Foundation

Verfasst: 06.12.2023, 05:34
von SFI
Erhält eine 3. Staffel.