[TV] Castlevania (Netflix)

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[TV] Castlevania (Netflix)

Beitrag von SFI » 15.06.2007, 05:45

Sylvain White ("Stomp the Yard") wird bei "Castlevania" Regie führen. Ursprünglich sollte Paul W. S. Anderson den Film drehen, der auch das Drehbuch schrieb, welches jetzt aber noch mal geändert werden soll.


Gedreht werden soll im Spätherbst in Südafrika und Rumänien, US-Kinostart soll dann Ende 2008 sein.
Quelle: phantastik-news.de

Action Experte
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Beitrag von kami » 15.06.2007, 09:05

Kann mir irgendwie schlecht vorstellen, wie man die Atmosphäre, die vor allem aus einer Kombination aus geiler, eingängiger Musik, knackigem Schwierigkeitsgrad und den Trademarks wie Peitsche, zerhaubaren Kerzen und Geheimgängen bestand, filmisch einfangen will. Und der Name dürfte auch nicht so sehr ziehen, dass die Massen ins Kino stürmen werden. Alleine das mittelalterliche Szenario könnte reizvoll werden.

Action Prolet
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Beitrag von EatenAlive » 15.06.2007, 09:12

Na ja ich nehme stark an, dass es es nur ne weitere schlechte Spieleverfilmung wird. Ist sowieso lustig was alles verfilmt werden soll, angeblich hat eine Firma ja sogar die Verfilmungsrechte für Pacman und Tetris gekauft. Eigentlich schade für solche Klassiker wie Castlevania.
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Action Experte
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Beitrag von kami » 15.06.2007, 09:23

Mich störts nicht sonderlich, in find´s nur schwachsinnig, Geld für eine Lizenz rauszuschmeißen, von der man nichts hat.

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Registriert: 09.08.2004, 07:58
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Beitrag von SFI » 07.12.2007, 07:31

Director Sylvain White is temporarily hanging up the whip until all of this WGA strike business is sorted out. Rogue Pictures has delayed White's Castlevania until the strike is over so - and I don't understand how anyone can get pissed about this - the script can be re-tooled and made screen ready. Principal photography was schedule to begin in April somewhere in South Africa.
White will remain on board the film.
Quelle: shocktillyoudrop.com

„Fate: Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.“

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Registriert: 09.08.2004, 07:58
Wohnort: Suraya Bay

Beitrag von SFI » 24.12.2008, 13:56

Interview mit Paul W.S. Anderson:
I've heard about CASTLEVANIA being held up with a possible SAG strike, but the script seems to be in good shape. What are we looking at with the script so far...?
It'll come as no surprise that eighty percent of the movie is set in a castle, and it's Dracula's castle obviously. And the movie focuses on... I mean, the thing about CASTLEVANIA is it is an intellectual property that's been around for such a long time and there are so many games, so many different story strands. But by far the most popular story strand seems to be the battle of the Belmont clan with Dracula through the ages. So that will be what the movie focuses on, it will be the Belmont clan and Dracula all contained within the confines of this kind of, killer, gothic environment that contains all the creatures, tricks and traps that you'd associate with Castlevania. I kind of read on the internet... "outrage" because there is no whip in the movie, and that's bullshit, you know. There's more whipping than in an Indiana Jones convention [Laughing].
Well it also sound like it will be a more serious tone...?
Yeah, it's going to be a scary movie for sure. It's going to be scary and it's going to be dark and it's going to have these elements of gothic romance to it. Which, if you're familiar with the video games, just the packaging of the games has that kind of, very gothic, romantic feel to it.
I hope we don't have to wait for too long man...
Well, you know, the hold up is the potential SAG strike. I mean it's not just us, it is a whole bunch of movies that are just in a holding pattern. Because you don't want to go into production then have to close down your movie because everyone goes on strike. Hopefully next year there will be a resolution to that and we can go on ahead with it.
Quelle: joblo.com

„Fate: Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.“

Sir Jay
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Beitrag von Sir Jay » 24.12.2008, 14:03

castlevania wird wahrscheinlich zu so einem quark wie van helsing.

Die müssten nurmal einen anständigen Regisseur ran...Peter jackson wäre cool für dieses Projekt gwesen :D

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Registriert: 09.08.2004, 07:58
Wohnort: Suraya Bay

Beitrag von SFI » 29.06.2017, 04:55


„Fate: Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.“


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