Quelle: areadvd.deMit einer neuen Strategie will Warner das im letzten Jahr in den USA rückläufige DVD-Geschäft wiederbeleben: Unter der Regie von “300″-Regisseur Zack Snyder entsteht derzeit die Comic-Verfilmung “Watchmen”, die 2009 in den Kinos starten soll. Parallel zu diesem Kino-Film wird aber zusätzlich ein weiterer Film gedreht, der eine Nebenhandlung des Kino-Films zum Thema hat: Dieses “Tales of the Black Freighter” genannte Spin Off soll laut New York Times nur fünf Tage nach dem “Watchmen”-Kino-Start in den USA auf DVD veröffentlicht werden.
Dadurch erhofft sich Warner höhere DVD-Verkäufe, die sich parallel zum Kino-Geschäft generieren lassen, gleichzeitig aber dem Kino-Film selbst nicht schaden und diesen sogar aufwerten. Ausserdem soll das Spin-Off auch die DVD-Veröffentlichungs-Strategie des “Watchmen”-Films selbst mit eingebunden werden: Neben der “Watchmen”-DVD, die vier Monate nach dem Kinostart geplant ist, soll es später auch noch eine “Ultimate Edition” geben, in der “Watchmen” und “Tales of the Black Freighter” zu einem einzelnen großen Film verknüpft werden.
Watchmen (2009) + Tales of the Black Freighter
Watchmen (2009) + Tales of the Black Freighter
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Ziemlich schöner Trailer, scheinbar wieder eng anner Vorlage.
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Twentieth Century Fox said on Monday it will seek an injunction to block release of the Warner Bros movie "Watchmen" after a Los Angeles court ruled a copyright lawsuit against Warner can go forward.
The movie about raffish, flawed superheroes -- which has already been shot -- is slated for release on March 6, said Warner Bros spokesman Scott Roe.
In his decision released last week, Judge Gary Feess of the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California wrote that Fox could hold some of the rights to the material, even if it did not hold all rights.
Fox argues it acquired motion picture rights to the "Watchmen" graphic novel in the last 1980s, and that even though it relinquished certain rights to the material in 1991 it held onto the right to distribute the first movie.
"We will be asking the court to enforce Fox's copyright interests in "The Watchmen" and enjoin the release of the Warner Brothers film and any related 'Watchmen' media that violate our copyright interests in that property," said Fox spokesman Gregg Brilliant. Scott Rowe, a spokesman for Warner Bros, said the ruling only means that the case will go forward.
Quelle: Reuters.com
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Quelle: aintitcool.comWe had an intro from Zach Snyder and then I finally got so see the footage they showed at Movie-con. Showed much more Rorschach as well and a little scene between the comedian and 1st silk spectre right before the attempted rape. I’m slightly more optimistic about Ozymadias now having seen him in full costume and his artic palace look really spot on. I get Goosebumps every time I see footage because Snyder seems to have 100% nailed the look of the film, lets just hope the dialogue lives up to the hype, again there was very little spoken word in this footage which worries me.
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