Death Race
Death Race
Ich hoffe, es gibt noch keinen Fred dazu ...
Death Race: (freilich das Remake zum herrlichen Death Race 2000)
Mitm Jason, Joan Allen, Ian McShane
Von Paul W.S. Anderson
JASON STATHAM stars as Jensen Ames in an action-thriller set in the post-industrial wasteland of tomorrow, with the world's most brutal sporting event as its backdrop--"Death Race".
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In diesem Sinne:
Death Race: (freilich das Remake zum herrlichen Death Race 2000)
Mitm Jason, Joan Allen, Ian McShane
Von Paul W.S. Anderson
JASON STATHAM stars as Jensen Ames in an action-thriller set in the post-industrial wasteland of tomorrow, with the world's most brutal sporting event as its backdrop--"Death Race".
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In diesem Sinne:
- MysteryBobisCREEPY
- Action Experte
- Beiträge: 8144
- Registriert: 27.10.2004, 21:29
- Wohnort: 7ter Kreis der Hölle
- Kontaktdaten:
Man kann nicht alles haben. Betrachte es lieber als eigenständigen Big-Budget-Endzeitactioner mit ähnlicher Thematik, dann gibt´s in dieser Hinsicht keine Enttäuschungen.freeman hat geschrieben:Der Trailer macht Laune, zeigt aber auch, dass vom Original NICHTS mehr über geblieben ist. Leider dann auch net die subversiven Elemente mit dem Killen von Omis und Kindern ... Schade ;-)
Hier gehts zu einer amüsant zu lesenden Rezi, die den Film nicht nur als schlecht, sondern als derartig in die Hose gegangen abkanzelt, dass der Autor sich wundern würde, wenn dieses Jahr ein Film auch nur in die Nähe dieser Unsäglichkeit käme. Man darf gespannt sein., aber dem Mortal Paule traue ich so einen filmischen Totalschaden durchaus zu.
Frühe Mini-Kritik von Bloody Disgusting:
If you head on over to my Official B-D Blog you can read my thoughts on Paul W.S. Anderson's (Event Horizon, Resident Evil) Death Race remake, which test screened in Los Angeles yesterday. This is by no means an official review as it is far from complete, but it is my initial reaction to the movie as a whole. Good, bad? Find out. But I will say this... the audience LOVED it.
I think that DEATH RACE is one of Paul's better movies, only he ruins it with his atrocious and nauseating camerawork. The movie itself is filled with awesome races, loads of explosions and tons of blood. But there is still the problem of the screenplay, which features ridonkulous dialogue, illogical characters/situations and cliche direction.
If you thought the directing in BOURNE SUPREMACY was bad, just wait until you see this hunk of bologna. I don't get motion sick in theaters, CLOVERFIELD didn't bother me and neither did DIARY OF THE DEAD or BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, but DEATH RACE made me want to vomit all over the place. The camera work was over-the-top ridiculous and I can't believe the producers didn't step in after seeing some dailies and force him to tighten his shots up a bit. Even through the sh-t screenplay I could have found something special in this film (kind of like DOOMSDAY), but I couldn't see anything!
Afterwards one of my friends sat in the focus group where he said 25 out of 27 people liked the movie on , including himself. People liked the action, the opening and the ending a lot. Yet people were constantly confused and didn't get what was going on.
I really wanted to like the movie, but I thought it sucked, which isn't all that surprising. The biggest bonus points go to Anderson for using a Nine Inch Nails song from Broken, which was so rad to hear in a feature film. In terms of W.S. I'd say this is his third best movie behind EVENT HORIZON and RESIDENT EVIL. Car racing fans will dig it, that's a guarantee - and from the sound of it so will teenage girls.
R-Rated Clip!
- EatenAlive
- Action Prolet
- Beiträge: 1743
- Registriert: 10.09.2006, 15:37
- Wohnort: Lübeck
Die Wackelkamera ist ja wirklich heftig. Könnte anstrengend werden, wenn das den ganzen Film lang so geht.
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"Denn um dem Denken eine Grenze zu ziehen, müßten wir beide Seiten dieser Grenze denken können (wir müßten also denken können, was sich nicht denken läßt"
Mein Last.FM Profil
"Denn um dem Denken eine Grenze zu ziehen, müßten wir beide Seiten dieser Grenze denken können (wir müßten also denken können, was sich nicht denken läßt"
Mein Last.FM Profil
Red Band Trailer: 8-) ... nd-trailer ... nd-trailer
- MysteryBobisCREEPY
- Action Experte
- Beiträge: 8144
- Registriert: 27.10.2004, 21:29
- Wohnort: 7ter Kreis der Hölle
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