Comingsoon.netJames Cameron is making history with his next flick, Avatar - there's no mistake about it. The movie will be shot on a Cameron-created 3D camera system, using motion capture and live-action in the same shot. It's so impressive, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg have both been visiting the set to watch Jim in action.
According to everyone I've spoken to, it's going to change the way we watch film. And that goes the same for Joel David Moore, who stars along side Sigourney Weaver, Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Wes Studi, Michelle Rodriguez, CCH Pounder, Laz Alonso, Peter Mensah and Stephen Lang. Only half-way through shooting, Joel has been amazed at what he's seen so far. "I'll be shooting that for a while; we started in February and we are shooting until February 2008 - it'll be a year of my life by the time it's done. But I gotta tell you, it's the most amazing thing I've ever done."
And that starts with working with Jim Cameron. "He's one of the biggest and best directors in the business and to be able to be put in that position of luxury and comfort is really cool. When I first sat down and read the script for the first time, it's got James Cameron, this is the most amazing thing, it's going to be a sci-fi thing. So I assumed this is just a sci-fi, but it's so much more. And even better than that is what we're doing; it's just stunning. I have to be discrete even talking about it, but they're going to blow your mind. As far as technology, it's history in movie making; people are likening this to the creation of color TV."
In Avatar, Joel and Sigourney play anthropologists, studying plant and nature life, on another planet. "We're over there trying to study this other system," Joel adds. "In that, we learn about them and learn that we like a lot about them that we may or may not like about humanity. And this is something Jim has done well - he's given an arch to all his characters that we all have our own stories and struggles; no one's just tagging along for the ride. It's pretty spectacular."
The interesting part about this system Cameron is using is that no one is allowed to talk about it. Normally, people aren't supposed to talk about their character or the plot of a movie; but this is the first time I've heard where actors and actresses aren't able to discuss what cameras are being used. "It's more of the overall technology being used; Jim knows what he's doing, but we can't talk about the way he's doing it because it's his creation. He's created this style of motion capture."
Joel also credits Jim for bringing in Sigourney, reuniting the two since working on Aliens (1986). "There's a reason she's working on this movie - he's just got that way of making films. And that way is always successful and on top of his game. And I can't say enough about Sigourney; it's just amazing to be able to work with her. She's just a fan of it; she's willing to just go along for the ride. But to watch her in this new technology, in every step of the way been giddy about it, and open to trying everything; she's in there trying with the hustle of trying this. It's me and Sigourney and Sam (Worthington) trekking off to this other world and try to assimilate to this other society, and because of that, almost every one of my scenes is with them. We really team up and get through it and she's been fun throughout this process."
With filming on Avatar not set to end until February '08, and a release date of May 22, 2009, I'd say we're in for a nice surprise.
James Cameron's AVATAR
James Cameron's AVATAR
Na ich bin gespannt ob das noch was wird ... wie lange hat er nach Titanic nichts mehr auf die Reihe bekommen? Wie lange ist der hier schon angekündigt? Irgendwie hat Cameron Angst vor seinem eigenen Schatten. Ich dachte ne ganze Weile, der macht erst wieder Filme, wenn alle tot sind, die seine Arbeiten kennen, so dass es keinen geben kann, der seine neuen Filme mit seinen alten vergleicht ... 
In diesem Sinne:

In diesem Sinne:
freeman is in Wellington to start shooting scenes for the $US200 million science fiction film.
A secret Wellington location was uncovered yesterday where 80 imitation-gun-toting, camo-wearing stuntpeople and actors had gathered for days of rehearsals.
The men and women had split into pairs to learn how to provide covering fire for their partner. The manoeuvres included plenty of macho shouting and wide-legged posturing.
Cameron is shooting the film using a new 3D process and will feature a blend of live-action photography and virtual photorealistic production techniques invented by his team.
The film will also feature six computer-generated actors known as "synthespians".
Some work on the film has already been done in Los Angeles and Hawaii.
Peter Jackson's Weta Digital is supervising the special effects, and 31 days of additional live photography will be carried out on Weta's soundstages. The cast includes Sigourney Weaver, Giovanni Ribisi, Zoe Saldana and Michelle Rodriguez.
The film, written by Cameron, is about an ex-marine who finds himself amid hostilities on an alien planet.
As an Avatar - a human mind in an alien body - he falls in love with a local girl and joins resistance fighters in a battle for survival.
Cameron meldet sich zu Wort:
Quelle: aintitcool.comI've been up to my ass in avatars for the last couple of months, so haven't had a chance to update you on progress. We're down in New Zealand shooting the live action and the stuff is looking really good. I love my cast, and the 3D cameras are working spectacularly. We seem to be firing on all eight so far.
The first couple of weeks we were still coming up to speed, figuring out how to control the interocular and convergence for all different types of shooting situations. But we've got that dialed in now. We've reworked the camera software on the fly, using a set of look-up curves we wrote ourselves, so now the cameras basically go to a default interocular setting automatically based on focal length and subject distance --- a kind of "auto-stereo" --- which is working really well. I can be hand-holding a shot, and decide to crank in on the zoom in the middle of the shot, completely unrehearsed, and our system compensates instantly. It's definitely the most advanced stereo camera system in existence. And the result is enveloping stereo with zero eye strain or unwanted viewing artifacts. You feel like you're there.
Each one of my actors is turning in incandescent work --- Sigourney, Sam Worthington, Stephen Lange, Giovanni Ribisi, Michelle Rodriguez, Joel David Moore ---- they're each so right on that it's impossible to think of anyone else playing their characters. And the sets which were built down here by the Kiwi art department are the best I've ever worked with. The detailing is incredible. I want to bring some of the vehicles home and park them on my tennis court.
Since this film is basically going to be four years of my life by the time it's done, I decided it had to fun to make as I went along, or it just wasn't worth it. I'm having a blast. It's all attitude. The work is just as hard as any film I've made, but for the first time on a movie I'm actually enjoying the process on a day to day basis.
- daemonicus
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- Registriert: 01.12.2005, 17:17
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Zum Artwork von oben hat er sich ebenfalls zu Wort gemeldet:
Here’s what he had to say to AICN: “You recently posted some artwork of a supposed Na’vi character. Don’t know where you got it but it’s spurious. I’ve never seen that piece of art. We had a lot of free-ranging conceptual stuff in the early days of design two and a half years ago, and it might be something that was done then but not shown to me, but it is definitely not remotely our actual character design. Aside from two legs, two arms and a tail, it doesn’t have any features in common with our final designs. If I had to guess I’d say it’s a piece of fan art based on the description of the Na’vi from the old treatment which was leaked twelve years ago. That description is obsolete relative to the shooting script, since things have changed a lot over the years.”
Quelle:"Avatar," announced earlier this year, will now open on the same weekend that Cameron's "Titanic" did in 1997. The live-action/CGI hybrid is Cameron's first feature since "Titanic," which, after a decade, remains the highest-grossing film of all time, grossing $1.8 billion at the worldwide box office.
So far, no other films are dated for release on Dec. 18, 2009.
Pushing back the release of "Avatar" from May to December allows both more time to work on the effects and that much more time for additional theaters to install 3-D screens both here and abroad.
With the extra months, Cameron and Peter Jackson's Weta Digital will continue working on the groundbreaking technology invented by Cameron's team and Weta for the film.
"Making this change more than two years out allows Weta to achieve this unparalleled cinematic feat with the most efficient completion of the digital effects," Parker said.
Quelle: variety.comThe distant planet of Pandora in James Cameron's upcoming sci-fi action-adventure Avatar is being based in part on real-life drilling rig the Noble Clyde Boudreaux (pictured left) in the Gulf of Mexico. In the film, the off-world mining colony the actors inhabit will have the look and feel of inner workings of the Boudreaux.
The design team at Cameron's production company, Lightstorm, visited the rig to learn more about how it is all put together. The movie will utilize a blend of live-action photography and new virtual photorealistic production techniques invented by Cameron's team. However, the most believable movie sets (computer generated or real) are based on elements of real environments.
Cameron's design team believed they would find all these elements in Boudreaux.
Of particular interest to the designers were the mechanical systems, crew quarters, ballast control and power plant operations - all of which were measured and documented. Likewise, the team focused on the rig's ultra-modern drilling and mooring systems as possible settings in the movie's mining operations.
Interview mit Michelle:
Quelle: comingsoon.netHow is "Avatar" going?
Michelle Rodriguez: We finished shooting and now they're going to go into post for about a year.
CS: Have you seen any of the footage?
Rodriguez: It's spectacular.
CS: Our audience is really excited about it, so anything you can tell me would be great.
Rodriguez: I've seen raw stuff that hasn't even been touched up. It's not even in its second phase of all of the computer post-production that they've got to do, and it looks phenomenal. [...]
CS: What was the process of shooting on the set like?
Rodriguez: Just being surrounded by geniuses. In between cuts we'd just be talking about science. He's an encyclopedia that guy and I love him for it. I just get fed information which is great.
CS: How do you think fans are going to react when they see "Avatar"?
Rodriguez: They're going to react the same way they did when people saw their first colored film. I'm so proud to be a part of it.
Quelle:'Avatar' will make people truly experience something," said Cameron."One more layer of the suspension of disbelief will be removed. All the syn-thespians are photo-realistic. Now that we've achieved it, we discovered CG characters in 3D look more real than in 2D. Your brain is cued it's a real thing not a picture and discounting part of image that makes it look fake."
Part of the movie is subtitled because it takes place on alien planet.
"I don't know whether will be great film from narrative and critical standpoint," said Cameron. "The experience of Avatar will be an experience unlike any other movies."
He started with Microsoft Research looking at the way people see. The project soon moved out of the realm of speculation.
"'Avatar' is the single most complex piece of filmmaking ever made," said Cameron. "We have 1,600 shots for a 2.5 hour movie. It's not with a single CGI character, like King Kong or Gollum. We have hundreds of photo-realistic CG characters. We were Microsoft's sandbox for filmmaking beyond the cutting edge."
Er hatte ja seit Titanic genug Zeit, wieder welches zu finden. Für mich mit seiner Angst vor neuem Erfolg die Pussy des vergangenen Jahrhunderts ... Uh, mein nächster kann ja nur weniger Erfolg haben ... *heul heul*
Anstatt der sich gesagt hätte: Mein nächster kann nur besser werden! So hätte er nen echten Ansporn gehabt und es wäre auch net zu schwer geworden, das umzusetzen ...
Ich bin im Übrigen für ein Titanic Remake ... diesmal mit Handlung ... und ohne Eisberg ...
In diesem Sinne:
Anstatt der sich gesagt hätte: Mein nächster kann nur besser werden! So hätte er nen echten Ansporn gehabt und es wäre auch net zu schwer geworden, das umzusetzen ...
Ich bin im Übrigen für ein Titanic Remake ... diesmal mit Handlung ... und ohne Eisberg ...
In diesem Sinne:

Cameron verzählt:
Quelle: comingsoon.netSlated to open Dec. 18, 2009, the production already has been in the works for 2 1/2 years. When completed, Cameron expects "Avatar" to be about 60% CG animation, based on characters created using a newly developed performance capture-based process, and 40% live action, with a lot of VFX in the imagery.
"It is the most challenging film I've ever made," Cameron said.
Still, the innovative filmmaker and digital 3-D pioneer and champion has never shifted his emphasis from storytelling.
"You have to make a good film that would be a good film under any circumstances," he said. "You have to put the narrative first. The reality is no matter how many (3-D) screens we get, you are still going to have a large number of people -- possibly the majority of people -- who see the film in a 2-D environment."
The live-action principal photography for "Avatar" was shot in New Zealand last fall and winter using the Fusion 3-D camera system. Cameron first used the Fusion to make his 2003 Imax 3-D film "Ghosts of the Abyss"; he and "Ghosts" director of photography Vince Pace invented the camera system for the project.
With "Avatar's" principal photography completed, Cameron is focused on CG production. The helmer said his team has completed the performance capture (sometimes referred to as motion capture) of the actors and is in the post process of performance capture 3-D.
- Elkjaer-Larsen
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Guckt euch das mal an.
"Du bist vielleicht groß, dafür bin ich aber klein!" (Duffy Duck aka Duck Dodgers)
The Expendables-Countdown
The Expendables-Countdown
Kann dir zustimmen! Die Nase sieht einfach unecht aus.. Oofreeman hat geschrieben:Cool, dennoch schlägt das Paradoxon der Animation immer noch gnadenlos zu ... ich hab zu keinem Moment geglaubt, das könnte real sein ... alles zu perfekt, die Haut, die Glätte im Gesicht ... und und und
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- EatenAlive
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Das Hauptproblem sind imo die Augen. Trotzdem schon sehr nett. :)
Trust Me, I'm a Doctor!!
"Denn um dem Denken eine Grenze zu ziehen, müßten wir beide Seiten dieser Grenze denken können (wir müßten also denken können, was sich nicht denken läßt"
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"Denn um dem Denken eine Grenze zu ziehen, müßten wir beide Seiten dieser Grenze denken können (wir müßten also denken können, was sich nicht denken läßt"
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Ja, sieht schon echt cool aus, lässt meine Argumentation "Beowulf" sei revolutionär schon ziemlich alt aussehen (bitte, freeman ;) ). Und dennoch lässt sich diese Künstliche einfach nicht abstreifen... Wirkt alles viel zu artifiziell und vor allem die Augen haben einfach keine "Seele".
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