Terminator: Genisys (2015)

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Terminator: Genisys (2015)

Beitrag von SFI » 05.05.2009, 15:01

As he puts the finishing touches on Terminator Salvation, McG is already looking ahead to the next chapter in what the studio hopes will be another trilogy. "I strongly suspect the next movie is going to take place in a [pre-Judgment Day] 2011," McG reveals. "John Connor is going to travel back in time and he's going to have to galvanize the militaries of the world for an impending Skynet invasion. They've figured out time travel to the degree where they can send more than one naked entity. So you're going to have hunter killers and transports and harvesters and everything arriving in our time and Connor fighting back with conventional military warfare, which I think is going to be fucking awesome. I also think he's going to meet a scientist that's going to look a lot like present-day Robert Patrick [who famously played the T-1000 in Terminator 2], talking about stem-cell research and how we can all live as idealized, younger versions of ourselves."
Quelle: filmjournal.com

„Fate: Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.“

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Beitrag von SFI » 08.08.2009, 08:00

Terminator Salvation director McG spoke to the press after this week's Human Target panel at the TCAs about the lackluster domestic box office performance of Salvation and what to expect from Terminator 5. He also name-dropped who he wants to play the title role in his next project, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Captain Nemo.

Q: Any update on the status of the next Terminator film?

McG: Yeah, we're working on it right now. We're very far down the line with the story for that – for the next picture, and even the picture after that, and feeling good and we'll see where that takes us. I'm prepping 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea right now and I'm looking at Spring Awakening, but also the notion of the next Terminator – I mean, we're making it. Warners is excited about it. Sony is excited about it. And we can't wait to get back at it and show the world what becomes of that war and how we master time travel because we stayed away from time travel in Salvation and I missed it. We decided it was the right thing to do and we did a lot of things right in that movie and we did many things wrong in that movie. And we'll learn from the experience and we'll grow and I think the next movie is going to be even more exciting and a better film.

Q: What did you learn, where did you succeed and where did you not with Salvation?

McG: I think the film missed some of the fun that Jim [Cameron] brought to the early pictures. I'm a disciple of Jim. [Expletive], yesterday I was down in Baja at the tanks he built for Titanic scouting 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. We'll bring a little bit more relief in that [fun] capacity. Not to the degree that you saw in the third picture, but a little bit more than ours. We wanted to be very, very nose to the grindstone and really establish credibility and it worked in many ways and it was unsuccessful in other ways, because it wasn't a unanimous world of "[Expletive] yeah, we love Terminator Salvation." There were plenty of people who kicked us in the ass over it. But the film will end up doing about $400 million bucks and internationally it was very well received – better than it was here in the States. But we live in a domestic intensive, Hollywood film world and I take it very personally. I take it very seriously. And clearly I didn't do a good enough job on that picture and I didn't satisfy the fanbase to the degree that I would expect to satisfy them. And I take that very seriously and I just work that much more diligently to make sure I do that in the next one.

Q: Do you think the TV show perhaps lessened the impact of having a new Terminator movie?

McG: That's one of those things that we realized looking over our shoulder. I believe that we can put enough separation into our film construct where the television show would be the television show and the film will be the film. But one could also argue that cannibalized Superman to some degree – with Smallville doing its thing. It's always witchcraft. It's guess work. It's dangerous. It was very difficult to follow in the footsteps of my hero, Jim Cameron. I did the best I could and I learned a great deal, and I'm certain that I'm a better storyteller now, having had that experience. And I think the next film is going to be very pleasing and very surprising to the fans. That's the goal.

Q: What can you say about the storyline for the next Terminator film?

McG: One of the problems is that in a post-apocalyptic world, everybody's a little bummed out because your brother melted... your friends are gone. Everything went haywire. So the idea is to play with one of the tried and true rules of the franchise – time travel – and introduce it in this picture. I don't want to share too much, but let's just say it's very, very likely that John Connor is going to end up running through rooms like this where he knows something that none of us know. And I think that is a platform for great storytelling. Because I always love it when [Kyle] Reese is in our world, as you saw in the first picture, and everybody thinks he's out of his [expletive] mind and he knows and he can't afford to be concerned. And he's got to convince someone he cares about to come with him! And that's one of the engines. And we'll have a much more clearly defined antagonist in the new picture. It will be more of a chase movie with a new Terminator that is on your ass.

Q: Two of the criticisms Salvation faced was that there wasn't enough of a central, physical antagonist and that while Marcus had a nice story arc, John didn't have a strong enough storyline.

McG: We want to put more meat on the bone because we have the great Christian Bale, but I take a lot of satisfaction in playing a role in breaking the great Sam Worthington, who I think is one of the best actors out there. Look out for Clash of the Titans because Clash is going to be really good – I've seen some of that. Now he's doing The Tourist with Charlize [Theron]. He's all over the place, and I might cast him as Nemo if it's in the cards. We'll see.
Quelle: uk.movies.ign.com

„Fate: Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.“

Sir Jay
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Beitrag von Sir Jay » 08.08.2009, 13:09

boha ey wie die dieses franchise so unnötig in die Länge ziehen.
Mit T2 war eigentlich alles abgeschlossen, und nun werden irgendwelche an den Haaren herbeigezogene Storyelemente herausgemelkt -_-

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Beitrag von SFI » 29.09.2009, 14:51

The rights to the Terminator franchise are up for sale yet again.
Derek Anderson and Victor Kubicek, who acquired the science-fiction franchise in 2007 for $25 million and produced this year's sequel "Terminator Salvation," are now looking to sell them partially or outright as several companies owned by the duo work their way through bankruptcy.
Anderson and Kubicek's Halcyon Holding Group has engaged financial advisory firm FTI Capital Advisors, pending bankruptcy court approval, to "evaluate strategic alternatives," according to a statement. Since Halcyon's only valuable asset is the Terminator rights, any deal would involve an investment in, or outright sale, of them.
"We're going to be contacting a variety of studios and independent companies," said Kevin Shultz, senior managing director at FTI. "We think the values are considerably in excess of the purchase price."
Quelle: LATimes.com

„Fate: Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.“

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Beitrag von freeman » 30.09.2009, 08:17

Na da scheint der Film ja wahrlich gar nix gerissen zu haben ... ganz zu schweigen vom Merchandising drumherum ... aktuell fährt ja das Game zum Film schöne Verrisse ein ...

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Beitrag von Vince » 30.09.2009, 09:15

Wobei Terminator-Games ja traditionell scheiße sind... schon das T2-Game auf dem Gameboy war der letzte Dreck. ;)

Dr Dolph
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Beitrag von Dr Dolph » 30.09.2009, 13:44

Terminator 3 Redemption war aber ganz spaßig, die erste Umsetzung zu Terminator 3 aber net.
Und Dawn of Fate habe ich auch gar nicht so übel in Erinnerung.

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Beitrag von freeman » 30.09.2009, 14:11

Vince hat geschrieben:schon das T2-Game auf dem Gameboy war der letzte Dreck. ;)
Vor allem war es irre schwer ...

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Sir Jay
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Beitrag von Sir Jay » 30.09.2009, 14:14

das t2 game für das snes war der größte mist, der je versoftet wurde...SO eine grütze ey

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Beitrag von SFI » 02.11.2009, 14:41

The Financial Times is reporting that the rights to the "Terminator" franchise will be auctioned this month. The sale has reportedly sparked considerable interest because "Terminator" is a rare example of a blockbuster franchise not controlled by a big studio.
FT says several financial buyers have expressed interest in Terminator, including Platinum Equity, the Beverly Hills firm that owns Delphi, the auto parts maker.
All the big film studios have also registered interest in the rights, with Sony Pictures a leading contender.
Summit Entertainment, the company behind the "Twilight" series, is tracking the sale, as is Media Rights Capital, which produced Sacha Baron Cohen's Bruno.
The rights are being sold by Halcyon, the production company behind Terminator Salvation. The auction does not cover earlier Terminator films. The rights will give the buyer to make new films, TV series and other spin-offs.
Quelle: comingsoon.net

„Fate: Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.“

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Beitrag von SFI » 07.12.2009, 07:29

Director McG participated in a BD-Live chat for the Terminator Salvation Blu-ray yesterday and said that he is still planning on directing the fifth and sixth "Terminator" movies.
We're not sure how he knows this considering that the Halcyon group just this week said that they expect their auction for the franchise rights to conclude by February 1st, which means that the current owners of "Terminator" won't have any say in upcoming films.
"Over the past few weeks, Halcyon and its professionals have engaged in in-depth discussions and negotiations with numerous serious potential buyers, including several major movie studios," Halcyon said.
Quelle: comingsoon.net

„Fate: Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.“

Action Prolet
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Beitrag von Alrik » 14.02.2010, 16:10

So wie ich jüngst gelesen hab, sollen die Rechte an Terminator wohl den Besitzer wechseln und ein neues Drehbuch entstehen für Teil 5. Und hinzu kommt das Gerücht das Teil 5 wohl sowohl die 3 als auch die 4 dann ignorieren wird! Ebenso Gerücht Nummer 3, das Arnie zurückkehrt und womöglich als Wissenschaftler,der sich selbst als T-Modell umsetzt. :shock:

Mich deucht das Terminator das selbe wiederfährt wie Highlander. Sprich: unzählige Verfilmungen, kaum eine passt zur anderen und die Fans können sich aussuchen was für sie Canon ist und richtig! :roll:
"Rourke vor Gericht bringen? Ja sicher...und wenn ich dieses Wunder vollbracht hab schlage ich Gott K.O."

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Beitrag von SFI » 14.02.2010, 19:31

yepp so schauts aus und zudem soll auch Cameron am Drehbuch beteiligt werden.

„Fate: Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.“

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Beitrag von freeman » 15.02.2010, 08:42

:shock: :shock: :shock: Blaue Termonatoren??? ;-)

Das mit dem munteren Rechtewchsel macht mir in Bezug auf das Franchsie auch echte Kopfzerbrechen. Denn so schwach die Erlösung auch war, ne Fortsetzung hätte ich mir durchaus angeschaut ...

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DJ Mod
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Beitrag von gelini71 » 15.02.2010, 08:44

freeman hat geschrieben::Denn so schwach die Erlösung auch war, ne Fortsetzung hätte ich mir durchaus angeschaut ...
Das ist aber auch kein Qualitätskriterium - Du schaust Dir ja fast jeden Mist freiwillig an :lol: :wink:
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Beitrag von Alrik » 15.02.2010, 10:20

gelini...du musst doch sein Heldentum bewundern. Er opfert sich auf und schaut extra jeden Mist an, nur um UNS zu WARNEN! :lol: :lol: Ist das nicht ein Hip Hip Hurra wert? *g*
"Rourke vor Gericht bringen? Ja sicher...und wenn ich dieses Wunder vollbracht hab schlage ich Gott K.O."

DJ Mod
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Beitrag von gelini71 » 15.02.2010, 10:47

So kann man es auch sehen :lol:
Mir persönlich wäre aber dafür das Geld zu schade :wink:
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Beitrag von kami » 15.02.2010, 14:12

gelini71 hat geschrieben:So kann man es auch sehen :lol:
Mir persönlich wäre aber dafür das Geld zu schade :wink:
Tja, der Freeman ist halt Altruist.

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Beitrag von freeman » 16.02.2010, 09:01

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Beitrag von John_Clark » 15.04.2011, 20:39

Moviepilot hat neue Gerüchte
Dem Regisseur von Fast and Furious 5, Justin Lin, soll wohl die Verantwortung für einen Terminator-Film übertragen werden. Und auch Arnold Schwarzenegger scheint nicht abgeneigt zu sein, noch einmal in die Rolle der Killermaschine zu schlüpfen.

Es ist noch nicht lange her, da gab Arnold Schwarzenegger sein Amt als Gouverneur von Kalifornien ab und gab bekannt, wieder ins Filmgewerbe einsteigen zu wollen. Es war wenig verwunderlich, dass sofort Rufe nach einer Fortsetzung der Terminator -Reihe laut wurden. Jetzt scheint Bewegung in die Sache gekommen zu sein, aber auf andere Weise, als viele es sich wohl erhofft hatten.

Justin Lin, dem Regisseur von Fast and Furious 5, der am 28. April in Deutschland starten wird, soll offenbar die Verantwortung für ein Terminator-Reboot übertragen werden. Das Drehbuch soll Chris Morgan schreiben, der diesen Job schon bei The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, Fast & Furious – Neues Modell. Original Teile. und eben auch Fast and Furious 5 erledigt hat.

Justin Lin bestätigte zwar nicht, dass er die Regie bereits übernommen hätte, aber seine Äußerungen lassen zumindest erahnen, dass er und Arnold Schwarzenegger sich durchaus vorstellen könnten, dem Terminator neues Leben einzuhauchen, auch wenn Justin Lin nicht wirklich euphorisch darüber spricht: “Als ich aufgewachsen bin, war Terminator einer meiner Lieblingsfilme. [..] Ich habe mit Arnold gesprochen und wir redeten und wir werden sehen. Nochmals, ich würde es gerne tun, aber unter den richtigen Umständen. Es müssen die richtigen Leute sein. Und es gibt noch andere Projekte. Aber ich bin jetzt in einer Position, in der ich mehr wählen kann als vor ein, zwei Jahren.“

Ob Arnold Schwarzenegger tatsächlich bereit ist, mit einem Reboot an seinem eigenen Denkmal zu kratzen, wird sich zeigen.
Quelle: http://www.moviepilot.de/news/fast-5-re ... eck-110376

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Beitrag von StS » 15.04.2011, 22:19

John_Clark hat geschrieben:
Ob Arnold Schwarzenegger tatsächlich bereit ist, mit einem Reboot an seinem eigenen Denkmal zu kratzen, wird sich zeigen.
Mega-LOL! Das hat er doch schon mit "T3" nachhaltig hinter sich gebracht... :lol:

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Beitrag von SFI » 06.06.2011, 14:56


„Fate: Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.“

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Beitrag von Seemi » 06.06.2011, 20:31

Ist mir jetzt mittlerweile auch egal. Ich geh Arthouse gucken. :lol:
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Meine DVD-Sammlung

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Beitrag von Seemi » 01.02.2012, 09:23

"Bevor ich mein Kaffee nicht hab, lass ich mich nicht foltern!" (Jackson)

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Beitrag von StS » 01.02.2012, 11:18

Seemi hat geschrieben:T-5 wird härter als Expandables 2 :wink:
Tja, "PG13"-Filme wie "T-4" und "Last Exorcism" erhalten "R"-Rated-Fortsetzungen, wohingehen die "Expendables"-Schisser den traurigen Weg gehen... :wink:


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