Quelle: deadline.comCameron is returning to TV with what is one of the hottest projects this development season: a TV series take on his 1994 action comedy True Lies that starred Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis. I hear the project, from Cameron’s Lightstorm Entertainment and 20th Century Fox TV, is about to be taken out to the networks. Rene Echevarria is the writer/showrunner, exec producing with Cameron and Lightstorm’s Rae Sanchini and Jon Landau.
True Lies (TV Serie)
Moderator: SFI
True Lies (TV Serie)
Macht doch Sinn:
- Filme bekommen Reboots
- TV Serien werden zu Filme
- Filme zu TV Serien
Allerdings kenne ich bis jetzt keinen gelungen "Film zur TV Serie" gemachten Titel. Bin also eher skeptisch , zumal ich "True Lies" schon als Film sehr schwach finde.
- Filme bekommen Reboots
- TV Serien werden zu Filme
- Filme zu TV Serien
Allerdings kenne ich bis jetzt keinen gelungen "Film zur TV Serie" gemachten Titel. Bin also eher skeptisch , zumal ich "True Lies" schon als Film sehr schwach finde.
Ich mache keine Rechtschreibfehler, ich gebe Wörtern lediglich eine individuelle Note
- vstverstaerker
- Action Prolet
- Beiträge: 1676
- Registriert: 19.03.2009, 10:26
- The Punisher
- Action Experte
- Beiträge: 6764
- Registriert: 11.08.2004, 22:02
- Wohnort: I am Groot
Schon die Timecop und Total Recall Serien waren nicht so gut, das hier wird in die selbe Kerbe schlagen

"And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from
Thy hand.That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth
to Thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patri Et Filii.Spiritus Sancti"
- The Punisher
- Action Experte
- Beiträge: 6764
- Registriert: 11.08.2004, 22:02
- Wohnort: I am Groot
Da war alles schlechter als in der SerieAlrik hat geschrieben:Ausnahme für "Film --> Serie" war Buffy noch. Da war die Serie deutlich besser geschrieben als der Film damals ^^

"And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from
Thy hand.That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth
to Thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patri Et Filii.Spiritus Sancti"
Quelle: comingsoon.netThough he's listed as a producer, one project that doesn't have Cameron's full attention is the upcoming "True Lies" series, planned for development at ABC.
"I'm not really doing that," Cameron said, "That was initiated by others. Friends of mine who wanted to do that. I said, 'Yes, go with God. Do 'True Lies.' But do I have to show up to do anything?' They said, 'Absolutely not.'"
Though Cameron has been involved with a number of scripts for potential True Lies sequels over the years, he added that he's not aware whether any of the ideas from those drafts will be incorporated into the show.
Besser spät als nie, oder in dem Fall?
Quelle: deadline.comTrue Lies, James Cameron’s hit 1994 action comedy movie, is headed to television. Fox has given a put pilot commitment to an hour long reboot of the film, which comes from McG, Arrow co-creator Marc Guggenheim, Cameron’s Lightstorm Entertainment and 20th Century Fox TV.
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