Quelle: aintitcool.com... The moderator asked if there *would* be an Avatar sequel. To which Cameron answered that the plan had always been to make a trilogy of films. Finally, Cameron actually said it: "Yes, there'll be another."
AVATAR Sequels (2022-2028)
AVATAR Sequels (2022-2028)
Quelle: comingsoon.netComingSoon.net: When you started writing the script for "Avatar" 15 years ago, did you have a vision for where the sequels would go?
James Cameron: No, but a lot of ideas for the sequels kind of evolved out of writing the story for "Avatar." Anything that we designed, ideas that we had, if we couldn't figure out how to put them in the movie we said "We'll stick it in the sequel," so we have a big backlog of ideas.
CS: How many sequels will there be?
Cameron: I don't know.
CS: Do you know where the story is going for the next film?
Cameron: Yeah, I definitely have a story arc in mind for the second film and even on a very vague base for a third film. That doesn't mean we'll do a third film - it doesn't mean we'll stop at a third film. We'll just have to see where it goes.
CS: Will the sequel be the next movie you do or will it be another project?
Cameron: That hasn't been decided yet.
Avatar Sequel to Focus on Pandora's Ocean
Source: Los Angeles Times, April 21, 2010
With Avatar hitting Blu-ray and DVD on Thursday, the Los Angeles Times talked to James Cameron about the highest-grossing movie of all time (it's at $2.717 billion now). In the interview, Cameron revealed that the Avatar sequel will focus on the ocean of Pandora while they'll explore more of the Alpha Centauri AB system in a third film. Here's an excerpt:
We created a broad canvas for the environment of film. That's not just on Pandora, but throughout the Alpha Centauri AB system. And we expand out across that system and incorporate more into the story – not necessarily in the second film, but more toward a third film. I've already announced this, so I might as well say it: Part of my focus in the second film is in creating a different environment – a different setting within Pandora. And I'm going to be focusing on the ocean on Pandora, which will be equally rich and diverse and crazy and imaginative, but it just won't be a rain forest. I'm not saying we won't see what we've already seen; we'll see more of that as well.
While Thursday's release doesn't have any features, Cameron says that we'll get an additional six minutes in theaters for a re-release of the film in August before a 4-Disc Blu-ray/DVD set hits stores in November:
We're working on finishing an additional six minutes of the film -- which includes a lot of Weta work -- for a theatrical re-release in August. We were sold out of our IMAX performances right up to the moment until they were contractually obligated to switch to "Alice in Wonderland," so we know we left money on the table there. And the 3-D really helped "Avatar" right up until the moment that it hurt it. And it hurt it at the moment "Alice" and then "How to Train Your Dragon" and "Clash of the Titans" came in and sucked up all the 3-D screens. We went from declining 8% a week to declining 50%. Clearly, it wasn't market forces directly; it was the availability of theaters. So we're going to wait until there's a time to come back in, inject the new footage into the mix and see if we can interest people in the "Avatar" experience in theaters.
Source: Los Angeles Times, April 21, 2010
With Avatar hitting Blu-ray and DVD on Thursday, the Los Angeles Times talked to James Cameron about the highest-grossing movie of all time (it's at $2.717 billion now). In the interview, Cameron revealed that the Avatar sequel will focus on the ocean of Pandora while they'll explore more of the Alpha Centauri AB system in a third film. Here's an excerpt:
We created a broad canvas for the environment of film. That's not just on Pandora, but throughout the Alpha Centauri AB system. And we expand out across that system and incorporate more into the story – not necessarily in the second film, but more toward a third film. I've already announced this, so I might as well say it: Part of my focus in the second film is in creating a different environment – a different setting within Pandora. And I'm going to be focusing on the ocean on Pandora, which will be equally rich and diverse and crazy and imaginative, but it just won't be a rain forest. I'm not saying we won't see what we've already seen; we'll see more of that as well.
While Thursday's release doesn't have any features, Cameron says that we'll get an additional six minutes in theaters for a re-release of the film in August before a 4-Disc Blu-ray/DVD set hits stores in November:
We're working on finishing an additional six minutes of the film -- which includes a lot of Weta work -- for a theatrical re-release in August. We were sold out of our IMAX performances right up to the moment until they were contractually obligated to switch to "Alice in Wonderland," so we know we left money on the table there. And the 3-D really helped "Avatar" right up until the moment that it hurt it. And it hurt it at the moment "Alice" and then "How to Train Your Dragon" and "Clash of the Titans" came in and sucked up all the 3-D screens. We went from declining 8% a week to declining 50%. Clearly, it wasn't market forces directly; it was the availability of theaters. So we're going to wait until there's a time to come back in, inject the new footage into the mix and see if we can interest people in the "Avatar" experience in theaters.
Quelle: comingsoon.netTalking about 3D at a technology forum in Seoul, South Korea, James Cameron said that he estimates it will take about three years to make the Avatar sequel. That's 18 months less than it took the first.
He said that the release date for the follow-up will be announced in a few months.
Cameron previously revealed that the sequel would focus on Pandora's ocean. "I'm going to be focusing on the ocean on Pandora, which will be equally rich and diverse and crazy and imaginative, but it just won't be a rain forest. I'm not saying we won't see what we've already seen; we'll see more of that as well," he said.
Quelle: comingsoon.netOur plan right now is to do two and three as a single large production and release them a year apart," Cameron said, "In order to do that, we have to refine our technical processes beyond the end of where we were finishing 'Avatar' one a year ago. We need to future-proof ourselves out five or six years to the end of the third film.
Wir bleiben noch paar Jahre verschont:
Quelle: main-freiraum.deCameron will decide if he will shoot the films back-to-back after he completes the scripts, but the release of the first, as yet untitled sequel, is targeted for December 2014, with the third film contemplated for a December 2015 release.
AVATAR 2 & 3 will be produced by Cameron and Jon Landau for Cameron's Lightstorm Entertainment.
- The Punisher
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Denkst duSFI hat geschrieben:Wir bleiben noch paar Jahre verschont
Avatar 2010er Cut
Avatar 2011er Cut
Avatar 2012er Cut
Avatar 2013er Cut
Avatar 2014er Cut direkt vor Kino Release von Teil 2
"And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from
Thy hand.That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth
to Thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patri Et Filii.Spiritus Sancti"
Schrott setzt sich durch...Wallnuss hat geschrieben:Also das ist...The Punisher hat geschrieben:Denkst duSFI hat geschrieben:Wir bleiben noch paar Jahre verschont
Avatar 2010er Cut
Avatar 2011er Cut
Avatar 2012er Cut
Avatar 2013er Cut
Avatar 2014er Cut direkt vor Kino Release von Teil 2
Unser neuestes Projekt: https://open.spotify.com/show/35s3iDdkQ12ikEFT9hOoTP - Talk rund um Filme und Serien
- Dr Dolph
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- Beiträge: 2230
- Registriert: 27.05.2009, 18:34
- Wohnort: Irgendwo im niederen Sachsen
So schlimm war der Film nun auch nicht. Mich hat er im Kino in 3D ganz gut unterhalten und verstehe jetzt auch nicht warum alle den Film so extrem runter machen. Na klar ist das scheiße von Cameron das er dauernd neue Fassungen anbietet, anstatt mal eine "Extended"-Fassung rauszubrigen, in der das ganze neue Materail drin ist. Aber das macht den Film doch nicht wirklich schlechter. Ich jedenfalls finde den Film gut und werde mir irgendwann dann ne Blu-Ray holen, auf der die Fassung drauf ist die mich am meisten interessiert, aber bis dahin werde ich warten, weil ich nun nicht so eilig habe, den Film zu besitzen.
ich finde, Cameron könnte mal wieder was anderes machen. Etwas mehr back to the roots. Avatar dürfte zu 90% etwa CGI sein und für ILM-Verhältnisse nicht mal soooo wirklich überzeugende rundum. Die hatten schon viel bessere Tricks in petto imo.Dr Dolph hat geschrieben:So schlimm war der Film nun auch nicht. Mich hat er im Kino in 3D ganz gut unterhalten und verstehe jetzt auch nicht warum alle den Film so extrem runter machen. Na klar ist das scheiße von Cameron das er dauernd neue Fassungen anbietet, anstatt mal eine "Extended"-Fassung rauszubrigen, in der das ganze neue Materail drin ist. Aber das macht den Film doch nicht wirklich schlechter. Ich jedenfalls finde den Film gut und werde mir irgendwann dann ne Blu-Ray holen, auf der die Fassung drauf ist die mich am meisten interessiert, aber bis dahin werde ich warten, weil ich nun nicht so eilig habe, den Film zu besitzen.
Unser neuestes Projekt: https://open.spotify.com/show/35s3iDdkQ12ikEFT9hOoTP - Talk rund um Filme und Serien
- Dr Dolph
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- Registriert: 27.05.2009, 18:34
- Wohnort: Irgendwo im niederen Sachsen
Ich wäre auch dafür das Cameron mal wieder nen hübschen Scfi Actioner ala Terminator 1+2 oder Aliens macht, das wird aber denke ich nicht mehr passieren, da er mit Titanic und Avatar mehr Kolhe gemacht hat. Und an den Verkauszahlen sieht man ja auch das die Leute mehr vom Avatar wollen, also macht er nen zweiten und nen dritten Teil. Das Cameron ne alte Kommerzsau ist, weiß ich set Titanic, das war imo ein typischer Mainstream-Film der nur so polarisierte, weil der Cameron 2 "hübsche" Gescihter nahm, die Liebesstory mit ganz viel Kitsch bastelte und am Ende nochmal ein kleines Effektegewitter los ließ. Das hat den Film letztendlich nicht besser gemacht, aber umso erfolgreicher. Und wer würde schon andere Filme drehen wollen, wenn man mit solchen nun mal mehr Kohle macht?
- John_Clark
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tut mir leid, dich enttäuschen zu müssen, aber das habe ich bereitsWallnuss hat geschrieben:Guck den Film erstmal denn vorher kannst du eh nicht mitreden.
Unser neuestes Projekt: https://open.spotify.com/show/35s3iDdkQ12ikEFT9hOoTP - Talk rund um Filme und Serien
manche stehen halt auf diesen Ton..meins isses auch nicht, keine Sorge ;)John_Clark hat geschrieben:Bins nur ich der findet, dass der Umgangston hier ein wenig sehr heftig wird?
Unser neuestes Projekt: https://open.spotify.com/show/35s3iDdkQ12ikEFT9hOoTP - Talk rund um Filme und Serien
Och enttäuschen nicht,nur hattest du (auch im Bond-Forum) andauernd angedeutet das du diesen Film nicht sehen willst.Ich entschuldige mich für den Satz von oben,hört sich wirklich nicht sehr freundlich an!Cinefreak hat geschrieben:tut mir leid, dich enttäuschen zu müssen, aber das habe ich bereitsWallnuss hat geschrieben:Guck den Film erstmal denn vorher kannst du eh nicht mitreden.
- Dr Dolph
- Action Prolet
- Beiträge: 2230
- Registriert: 27.05.2009, 18:34
- Wohnort: Irgendwo im niederen Sachsen
Die Liebesstory aus Titanic ist toll geschrieben? Klingt wie ein bitterböser, sarkastischer Kommentar aus South Park, aber jedem das Seine. Ich jedenfalls fand den Film stinklangweilig, schlecht geschrieben, kitschig und sehr langatmig. Die Schauspieler haben zwar ihren Job gut gemacht und die Special Effects sind auch erste Sahne, aber wenn man dauernd auf die Uhr guckt, weil man sich fragt wann denn endlich das Schiff untergeht, dann nenne ich das nicht alzu unterhaltsam. So und jetzt höre ich auf mit dem titanic Gebashe...
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