Pete Postlethwaite gestorben

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Pete Postlethwaite gestorben

Beitrag von StS » 03.01.2011, 16:09

:shock: R.I.P.

Pete Postlethwaite dies aged 64
Monday, January 3 2011
By Daniel Sperling, Entertainment Reporter

Oscar-nominated actor Pete Postlethwaite has died at the age of 64, a spokesperson has confirmed.

Andrew Richardson, a journalist and close friend, stated that the screen star passed away at a hospital near his home in Shropshire following a long battle with cancer.

Postlethwaite received an Academy Award nod in 1994 for his work on IRA biography In The Name Of The Father and was made an OBE in the 2004 New Year's Honours List.

By the the time of his death, Postlethwaite had built up an extensive filmography of over 90 titles and was last seen in 2010 features Inception and The Town.

He was dubbed by Steven Spielberg after he worked on Jurassic Park sequel The Lost World as "the best actor in the world".

Postlethwaite is survived by his wife Jaqueline Morrish, a BBC producer whom he married in 2003, and their two children.

Dr Dolph
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Beitrag von Dr Dolph » 03.01.2011, 16:30

Einer meiner Lieblingsschauspieler ist nun leider von uns gegangen.
R.I.P Pete

Action Prolet
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Beitrag von Alrik » 03.01.2011, 17:49

Für mich immer Bruder Gilbert. R.I.P. :(
"Rourke vor Gericht bringen? Ja sicher...und wenn ich dieses Wunder vollbracht hab schlage ich Gott K.O."

Cyborg Cop
Action Prolet
Action Prolet
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Beitrag von Cyborg Cop » 03.01.2011, 18:43

Ja, da sage ich aber wirklich 3x :shock: :shock: :shock:
Hab ihn grad nur aus Usual Suspects in steht dem Tod doch immer wieder hilflos und verständnislos gegenüber und wundert sich, warum, zum Teufel rafft es Menschen mit 37, mit 49 oder mit 6 Jahren dahin und andere erst mit 83, 95 oder noch älter.

Nochmal :shock:


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