Oscars/Razzies/Independent Spirit Awards 2011
Oscars/Razzies/Independent Spirit Awards 2011
Die Nominierungen: http://oscar.go.com/
Ich hoffe zwar, das Nolan endlich so ein Goldständer abstaubt. Verdient hätte er es allemal, wenn auch vielleicht nicht mit diesem Film...
Aber ich glaube das es eher in Richtung Social Network / Black Swan gehen wird :( Die Academy hat schon oftmals bewiesen, dass sie keinen geschmack haben, oder einfach keine schlechteren Filme im Jahr gefunden...
Aber ich glaube das es eher in Richtung Social Network / Black Swan gehen wird :( Die Academy hat schon oftmals bewiesen, dass sie keinen geschmack haben, oder einfach keine schlechteren Filme im Jahr gefunden...
Ist dieser "Social Network" wirklich so gut oder was ist genau der Grund warum der immer soviele Preise bekommt bzw nominiert wird ? Hängt das nur damit zusammen das es der Film über den Facebookgründer ist ?
"Inception" wird sicherlich im Bereich Technik / Art Direction was bekommen , ansonsten rechne ich stark mit "Black Swan" & "the Kings Speech" (Historienfilme kommen bei den Oscars ja immer gut an)
"Inception" wird sicherlich im Bereich Technik / Art Direction was bekommen , ansonsten rechne ich stark mit "Black Swan" & "the Kings Speech" (Historienfilme kommen bei den Oscars ja immer gut an)
Er ist wirklich so gut - ebenso wie "Black Swan" und "the King´s Speech". Natürlich trifft der Film auch perfekt den heutigen Zeitgeist - aber er gibt ja selbst zu, nicht ein reales Biopic zu sein, sondern genau dieses Gefühl der Zeit vermitteln zu wollen. Das Drehbuch ist großartig, wird also zu 100% gewinnen - und Fincher dürfte ebenfalls eine gute Wette wert sein. Portman und Firth sind ebenfalls "safe". Der beste Film ist noch ein wenig offen - aber ich denke auch da, dass "Social Network" es packen wird.gelini71 hat geschrieben:Ist dieser "Social Network" wirklich so gut oder was ist genau der Grund warum der immer soviele Preise bekommt bzw nominiert wird ?
Ricky Gervais hat Franco und Hathaway freundlicherweise mal eine Eröffnungsrede für die Oscar-Verleihung geschrieben... ;)
Oh, and good luck to James Franco and Anne Hathaway at The Oscars on Sunday. I know how nervous they must be right now. They will do an absolutely fantastic job and don't need my help, but I've written a little opening in case they have a few minutes to fill.
(Drum roll)
Ladies and Gentlemen.
Please welcome your hosts for this evening...
James Franco and Anne Hathaway
(Music and applause)
(James and Anne walk out looking absolutely perfect)
Hello and welcome to The 83rd Academy Awards,
Live from Los Angeles.
That's foreign for City of Angels.
And this room is certainly filled will those angels.
Thank you. I'm James Franco.
...and I'm Anne Hathaway.
You probably know me from 127 Hours where I play a man trapped in an enclosed space who decides he would rather cut his own arm off than stay where he was. Now that sounds "way out" but wait till half way through this fucking ceremony and you'll start to identify with him.
And I'm the new Catwoman. The first white woman to play that role since Michelle Pfeiffer. I want it to be an inspiration to all white people everywhere. Your dreams can come true in Hollywood too.
It's a daunting task hosting The Oscars but we're not alone. Presenting awards tonight will be a string of Hollywood legends and some other actors who have a film out in March or April.
Usually they hire comedians to host The Oscars, but tonight, instead, you get us!
No comedians tonight. And do you know why? Because comics are ugly.
Especially that rude obnoxious one who played the Steve Carell part in the English remake of The Office.
But you can all relax because Ricky Gervais is in London...
(Nervous laughter)
He's doing some charity work.
Yeah, he's visiting orphans with cancer.
He's telling them what bald little losers they are...
Yeah, cos he's rude right?
Thank you.
No rudeness tonight.
It's going to be a night of the most privileged people in the world being told how brilliant they are and thanking God for loving them more than ugly poor foreigners.
That's not to say that we don't care. No, apart from all the great movies we made this year we continued our life-saving philanthropy. Mega stars like Angelina Jolie, George Clooney and Ben Stiller brought light to third world poverty and famine and shocked the world with visions of children so hungry they'd been living off dead beetles all their lives.
Yeah and Yoko Ono said. "What's wrong with that?"
Oh Anne you are naughty. In a respectful, wholesome way.
(Nodding and smiling)
That Ricky Gervais should do more for charity.
(Murmurs of agreement)
Ricky Gervais is now worth $80,000,000. The obnoxious Brit confirmed the figure, adding,"Yes and my dentist hasn't seen a penny."
Yeah, why doesn't he get his teeth straightened and bleached like everyone else in Hollywood?
It's a good question Anne. For the same reason he doesn't have botox or suck up to important producers - there's something wrong with him.
There must be. Why isn't the stocky, fangy, little slob more like us, right?
That ugly dude needs to get a Hollywood makeover, big time.
Quite. And even though most of the actresses here have eating disorders, that's better than being fat right?
You bet it is gorgeous.
You are so handsome.
You know Ricky Gervais used to be bulimic.
Yes. He'd often gorge himself for hours with cheese and cakes.
And then vomit right?
No he left that bit out...
(Mild laughter)
That's because he couldn't get his fat fucking fingers in his stupid mouth.
(Big laugh)
Anyway let's get this show on the road.
There were some great kids' movies this year.
I took a five year old to see Toy Story 3 last week.
Did you enjoy it?
No it was ruined for me because the little brat was screaming and crying all the way through the film saying, "Who are you?" "You're not my daddy." "Take me back to the park where you grabbed me..."
Oh James, you are a card. And your slightly risky jokes are not threatening because you're one of us. And you are so handsome.
So let's get this show on the road.
Our first presenter is a Hollywood legend whose boots Ricky Gervais would not be fit to kiss...
The wonderful...
Mel Gibson...
(Standing ovation)
And so on...
Oh, and good luck to James Franco and Anne Hathaway at The Oscars on Sunday. I know how nervous they must be right now. They will do an absolutely fantastic job and don't need my help, but I've written a little opening in case they have a few minutes to fill.
(Drum roll)
Ladies and Gentlemen.
Please welcome your hosts for this evening...
James Franco and Anne Hathaway
(Music and applause)
(James and Anne walk out looking absolutely perfect)
Hello and welcome to The 83rd Academy Awards,
Live from Los Angeles.
That's foreign for City of Angels.
And this room is certainly filled will those angels.
Thank you. I'm James Franco.
...and I'm Anne Hathaway.
You probably know me from 127 Hours where I play a man trapped in an enclosed space who decides he would rather cut his own arm off than stay where he was. Now that sounds "way out" but wait till half way through this fucking ceremony and you'll start to identify with him.
And I'm the new Catwoman. The first white woman to play that role since Michelle Pfeiffer. I want it to be an inspiration to all white people everywhere. Your dreams can come true in Hollywood too.
It's a daunting task hosting The Oscars but we're not alone. Presenting awards tonight will be a string of Hollywood legends and some other actors who have a film out in March or April.
Usually they hire comedians to host The Oscars, but tonight, instead, you get us!
No comedians tonight. And do you know why? Because comics are ugly.
Especially that rude obnoxious one who played the Steve Carell part in the English remake of The Office.
But you can all relax because Ricky Gervais is in London...
(Nervous laughter)
He's doing some charity work.
Yeah, he's visiting orphans with cancer.
He's telling them what bald little losers they are...
Yeah, cos he's rude right?
Thank you.
No rudeness tonight.
It's going to be a night of the most privileged people in the world being told how brilliant they are and thanking God for loving them more than ugly poor foreigners.
That's not to say that we don't care. No, apart from all the great movies we made this year we continued our life-saving philanthropy. Mega stars like Angelina Jolie, George Clooney and Ben Stiller brought light to third world poverty and famine and shocked the world with visions of children so hungry they'd been living off dead beetles all their lives.
Yeah and Yoko Ono said. "What's wrong with that?"
Oh Anne you are naughty. In a respectful, wholesome way.
(Nodding and smiling)
That Ricky Gervais should do more for charity.
(Murmurs of agreement)
Ricky Gervais is now worth $80,000,000. The obnoxious Brit confirmed the figure, adding,"Yes and my dentist hasn't seen a penny."
Yeah, why doesn't he get his teeth straightened and bleached like everyone else in Hollywood?
It's a good question Anne. For the same reason he doesn't have botox or suck up to important producers - there's something wrong with him.
There must be. Why isn't the stocky, fangy, little slob more like us, right?
That ugly dude needs to get a Hollywood makeover, big time.
Quite. And even though most of the actresses here have eating disorders, that's better than being fat right?
You bet it is gorgeous.
You are so handsome.
You know Ricky Gervais used to be bulimic.
Yes. He'd often gorge himself for hours with cheese and cakes.
And then vomit right?
No he left that bit out...
(Mild laughter)
That's because he couldn't get his fat fucking fingers in his stupid mouth.
(Big laugh)
Anyway let's get this show on the road.
There were some great kids' movies this year.
I took a five year old to see Toy Story 3 last week.
Did you enjoy it?
No it was ruined for me because the little brat was screaming and crying all the way through the film saying, "Who are you?" "You're not my daddy." "Take me back to the park where you grabbed me..."
Oh James, you are a card. And your slightly risky jokes are not threatening because you're one of us. And you are so handsome.
So let's get this show on the road.
Our first presenter is a Hollywood legend whose boots Ricky Gervais would not be fit to kiss...
The wonderful...
Mel Gibson...
(Standing ovation)
And so on...
Die Goldene Himbeere wurde verliehen - and the "winners" are... ;)
Worst Picture Winner 2010
The Last Airbender
Worst Actor Winner 2010
Ashton Kutcher (Killers and Valentine's Day)
Worst Actress Winner 2010
Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis & Cynthia Nixon (Sex and the City 2)
Worst Supporting Actor Winner 2010
Jackson Rathbone (The Last Airbender and Twilight Saga: Eclipse)
Worst Supporting Actress Winner 2010
Jessica Alba (The Killer Inside Me, Little Fockers, Machete and Valentine's Day)
Worst Eye-Gouging Mis-Use of 3-D (Special Category for 2010!) Winner 2010
The Last Airbender
Worst Screen Couple / Worst Screen Ensemble Winner 2010
Sex and the City 2 Cast
Worst Director Winner 2010
M. Night Shyamalan (The Last Airbender)
Worst Screenplay Winner 2010
The Last Airbender (Written by M. Night Shyamalan)
Worst Prequel, Remake, Rip-Off or Sequel (Combined Category for 2010) Winner 2010
Sex and the City 2
Passt imo ziemlich gut (obgleich ich die Alba in "Killer Inside Me" eingentlich ganz passabel fand).
"Last Airbender" war wahrlich die Gurke des vergangenen Jahres!
Worst Picture Winner 2010
The Last Airbender
Worst Actor Winner 2010
Ashton Kutcher (Killers and Valentine's Day)
Worst Actress Winner 2010
Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis & Cynthia Nixon (Sex and the City 2)
Worst Supporting Actor Winner 2010
Jackson Rathbone (The Last Airbender and Twilight Saga: Eclipse)
Worst Supporting Actress Winner 2010
Jessica Alba (The Killer Inside Me, Little Fockers, Machete and Valentine's Day)
Worst Eye-Gouging Mis-Use of 3-D (Special Category for 2010!) Winner 2010
The Last Airbender
Worst Screen Couple / Worst Screen Ensemble Winner 2010
Sex and the City 2 Cast
Worst Director Winner 2010
M. Night Shyamalan (The Last Airbender)
Worst Screenplay Winner 2010
The Last Airbender (Written by M. Night Shyamalan)
Worst Prequel, Remake, Rip-Off or Sequel (Combined Category for 2010) Winner 2010
Sex and the City 2
Passt imo ziemlich gut (obgleich ich die Alba in "Killer Inside Me" eingentlich ganz passabel fand).
"Last Airbender" war wahrlich die Gurke des vergangenen Jahres!
Und weil ich diese Awards eigentlich immer ganz interessant finde, hier noch die gestrigen Gewinner der "Independent’s Spirit Awards":
Best Feature:
Black Swan
Best Director:
Darren Aronofsky, Black Swan
Best Screenplay:
Stuart Blumberg, Lisa Cholodenko, The Kids Are All Right
Best Male Lead:
James Franco, 127 Hours
Best Supporting Male:
John Hawkes, Winter’s Bone
Best Female Lead:
Natalie Portman, Black Swan
Best Supporting Female:
Dale Dickey, Winter’s Bone
Best Cinematography:
Matthew Libatique, Black Swan
Robert Altman Award:
Please Give (given to director Nicole Holofcener, casting director Jeanne McCarthy and the ensemble cast)
Best First Screenplay:
Lena Dunham, Tiny Furniture
Best First Feature:
Get Low (award given to the director, Aaron Schneider, and producers David Gundlach and Dean Zanuck)
Best Documentary:
Exit Through The Gift Shop (the award goes to the director, but reclusive street artist Banksy reportedly sent “Mr. Brainwash” to accept the honor in his stead)
Best Foreign Film:
The King’s Speech (award given to the director, Tom Hooper)
John Cassavetes Award (best feature made for under $500,000):
Daddy Longlegs (written and directed by Benny Safdie and Josh Safdie and produced by Casey Neistat and Tom Scott)
Piaget Producers Award:
Anish Savjani, Meek’s Cutoff
Someone To Watch Award:
Mike Ott, Littlerock
Truer Than Fiction Award:
Jeff Maimberg, Marwencol
Best Feature:
Black Swan
Best Director:
Darren Aronofsky, Black Swan
Best Screenplay:
Stuart Blumberg, Lisa Cholodenko, The Kids Are All Right
Best Male Lead:
James Franco, 127 Hours
Best Supporting Male:
John Hawkes, Winter’s Bone
Best Female Lead:
Natalie Portman, Black Swan
Best Supporting Female:
Dale Dickey, Winter’s Bone
Best Cinematography:
Matthew Libatique, Black Swan
Robert Altman Award:
Please Give (given to director Nicole Holofcener, casting director Jeanne McCarthy and the ensemble cast)
Best First Screenplay:
Lena Dunham, Tiny Furniture
Best First Feature:
Get Low (award given to the director, Aaron Schneider, and producers David Gundlach and Dean Zanuck)
Best Documentary:
Exit Through The Gift Shop (the award goes to the director, but reclusive street artist Banksy reportedly sent “Mr. Brainwash” to accept the honor in his stead)
Best Foreign Film:
The King’s Speech (award given to the director, Tom Hooper)
John Cassavetes Award (best feature made for under $500,000):
Daddy Longlegs (written and directed by Benny Safdie and Josh Safdie and produced by Casey Neistat and Tom Scott)
Piaget Producers Award:
Anish Savjani, Meek’s Cutoff
Someone To Watch Award:
Mike Ott, Littlerock
Truer Than Fiction Award:
Jeff Maimberg, Marwencol
- John_Clark
- Action Fan
- Beiträge: 3499
- Registriert: 25.03.2007, 20:56
- Wohnort: Basel
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Moviepilot macht wieder nen Live-Chat für die Academy Awards :)
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- John_Clark
- Action Fan
- Beiträge: 3499
- Registriert: 25.03.2007, 20:56
- Wohnort: Basel
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Die Gewinner:
Best Motion Picture of the Year
Winner: The King's Speech (2010) - Iain Canning, Emile Sherman, Gareth Unwin
Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role
Winner: Colin Firth for The King's Speech (2010)
Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role
Winner: Natalie Portman for Black Swan (2010)
Best Achievement in Directing
Winner: Tom Hooper for The King's Speech (2010)
Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Song
Winner: Toy Story 3 (2010) - Randy Newman("We Belong Together")
Best Achievement in Editing
Winner: The Social Network (2010) - Kirk Baxter, Angus Wall
Best Achievement in Visual Effects
Winner: Inception (2010) - Chris Corbould, Andrew Lockley, Pete Bebb, Paul J. Franklin
Best Documentary, Features
Winner: Inside Job (2010) - Charles Ferguson, Audrey Marrs
Best Short Film, Live Action
Winner: God of Love (2010) - Luke Matheny
Best Documentary, Short Subjects
Winner: Strangers No More (2010) - Karen Goodman, Kirk Simon
Best Achievement in Costume Design
Winner: Alice im Wunderland (2010) - Colleen Atwood
Best Achievement in Makeup
Winner: The Wolfman (2010) - Rick Baker, Dave Elsey
Best Achievement in Sound Editing
Winner: Inception (2010) - Richard King
Best Achievement in Sound Mixing
Winner: Inception (2010) - Lora Hirschberg, Gary Rizzo, Ed Novick
Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Score
Winner: The Social Network (2010) - Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role
Winner: Christian Bale for The Fighter (2010)
Best Foreign Language Film of the Year
Winner: In einer besseren Welt (2010) - Susanne Bier(Denmark)
Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen
Winner: The King's Speech (2010) - David Seidler
Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published
Winner: The Social Network (2010) - Aaron Sorkin
Best Animated Feature Film of the Year
Winner: Toy Story 3 (2010) - Lee Unkrich
Best Short Film, Animated
Winner: The Lost Thing (2010) - Shaun Tan, Andrew Ruhemann
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role
Winner: Melissa Leo for The Fighter (2010)
Best Achievement in Cinematography
Winner: Inception (2010) - Wally Pfister
Best Achievement in Art Direction
Winner: Alice im Wunderland (2010) - Robert Stromberg, Karen O'Hara
Best Motion Picture of the Year
Winner: The King's Speech (2010) - Iain Canning, Emile Sherman, Gareth Unwin
Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role
Winner: Colin Firth for The King's Speech (2010)
Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role
Winner: Natalie Portman for Black Swan (2010)
Best Achievement in Directing
Winner: Tom Hooper for The King's Speech (2010)
Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Song
Winner: Toy Story 3 (2010) - Randy Newman("We Belong Together")
Best Achievement in Editing
Winner: The Social Network (2010) - Kirk Baxter, Angus Wall
Best Achievement in Visual Effects
Winner: Inception (2010) - Chris Corbould, Andrew Lockley, Pete Bebb, Paul J. Franklin
Best Documentary, Features
Winner: Inside Job (2010) - Charles Ferguson, Audrey Marrs
Best Short Film, Live Action
Winner: God of Love (2010) - Luke Matheny
Best Documentary, Short Subjects
Winner: Strangers No More (2010) - Karen Goodman, Kirk Simon
Best Achievement in Costume Design
Winner: Alice im Wunderland (2010) - Colleen Atwood
Best Achievement in Makeup
Winner: The Wolfman (2010) - Rick Baker, Dave Elsey
Best Achievement in Sound Editing
Winner: Inception (2010) - Richard King
Best Achievement in Sound Mixing
Winner: Inception (2010) - Lora Hirschberg, Gary Rizzo, Ed Novick
Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Score
Winner: The Social Network (2010) - Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role
Winner: Christian Bale for The Fighter (2010)
Best Foreign Language Film of the Year
Winner: In einer besseren Welt (2010) - Susanne Bier(Denmark)
Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen
Winner: The King's Speech (2010) - David Seidler
Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published
Winner: The Social Network (2010) - Aaron Sorkin
Best Animated Feature Film of the Year
Winner: Toy Story 3 (2010) - Lee Unkrich
Best Short Film, Animated
Winner: The Lost Thing (2010) - Shaun Tan, Andrew Ruhemann
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role
Winner: Melissa Leo for The Fighter (2010)
Best Achievement in Cinematography
Winner: Inception (2010) - Wally Pfister
Best Achievement in Art Direction
Winner: Alice im Wunderland (2010) - Robert Stromberg, Karen O'Hara
Eine weitgehenst recht lahme Verleihung, Franco und Hathaway haben imo mehr genervt, als unterhaltsam zu sein.
Die Auszeichnungen auch frei von größeren Überraschungen...schön, dass "Inception" 4 Goldjungen eingefahren hat, ebenso Natalie Portman und Christian Bale (mit schön selbstironischer Acceptance-Speech im Bezug auf seinen T4-Ausrutscher), über Trent Reznor hab ich mich auch gefreut, obwohl mein Favourit der gute, alte Hans Zimmer gewesen wäre.
Die Auszeichnungen auch frei von größeren Überraschungen...schön, dass "Inception" 4 Goldjungen eingefahren hat, ebenso Natalie Portman und Christian Bale (mit schön selbstironischer Acceptance-Speech im Bezug auf seinen T4-Ausrutscher), über Trent Reznor hab ich mich auch gefreut, obwohl mein Favourit der gute, alte Hans Zimmer gewesen wäre.
Die Kritiken für die Show an sich sind ja hier in Deutschland vernichtend - soll wohl schwer langweilig gewesen sein.
SpOn Kritik
Stern Kritik
SpOn Kritik
Stern Kritik
also ich muss sagen ich hab beiläufig am PC noch was gemacht und manchmal den Ton sogar weg gemacht. Ich weiß nicht, aber die Anne und der Franco waren völlig deplatziert. Zwischendurch die Altstars die souverän und mit gekonnten Witz, Ansagen gemacht haben. Und dann kamen sprichwörtlich wieder die "Kiddies" und haben weiter gemacht. Wirkte stellenweise wie eine Veranstaltung in der Schule. Ging ja schon los das die beiden ihre Mutter und Oma, im Publikum aufstehen ließen Höhepunkt der Peinlichkeit als Franco als Frau verkleidet auf die Bühne kam.
Halt alles irgendwie dünn.
Und was ist denn an diesem Film "The King's Speech" denn so besonderes das der so abgeräumt hat?
Halt alles irgendwie dünn.
Und was ist denn an diesem Film "The King's Speech" denn so besonderes das der so abgeräumt hat?
"Rourke vor Gericht bringen? Ja sicher...und wenn ich dieses Wunder vollbracht hab schlage ich Gott K.O."
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