Neue Star Trek Serie?

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Neue Star Trek Serie?

Beitrag von SFI » 28.08.2011, 19:57

Trevino: Exactly how much can you tell me about your secret Star Trek project?

Foster: As you can imagine, I have to be very careful with the information that is released on this proposed Star Trek series, as we are still working with several people that can hopefully make this happen.

Trevino: Some time back, I remember Jonathan Frakes talking about a possible new series. What can you tell me about his possible involvement?

Foster: The original interview with Frakes was somewhat inaccurate. In it, he had actually said “I had a Star Trek project that was developed for TV..." Since then, several other media outlets have spun this in very wrong directions. Frakes did not develop the series, but was considering becoming attached to it. After being told that Brian Singer and William Shatner had pitches turned down by CBS (which has since been revealed to not be true in Singer's case), Frakes decided to pass at that time, also noting his doubts that CBS would ever allow a television series to run simultaneous with the 3 contracted movies from J.J. Abrams.

Trevino: Many believe that Star Trek over saturated the market during DS9, Voyager, Enterprise, and the movies. How do you approach this concern with your series?

Foster: The fact remains that the height of the franchise came in the early to mid 90's with the movies: The Undiscovered Country (1991), Generations (1994), and First Contact (1996), while the series: The Next Generation (1987-1994, and Deep Space Nine (1993-1999) were both on television. The lesson should be that good writing will always draw audiences like moths to a flame. We can only hope that the next flame is written with a vision and vigor that resembles that of the latest movie, while remaining accessible to the fans on a wider reaching outlet than the ill-fated UPN.

Trevino: Can you tell us a little about how your series came about?

Foster: In 2006, Kevin Severson and I co-created our Trek series idea. It went through various stages of development over recent years. In September 2010, Kevin Severson died suddenly from a stroke. He left behind his wife and two children, his friends and family, and a dream that has yet to be fully realized, though Kevin was already living his dream during the development of this series.

Trevino: What can you tell us about the series concept?

Foster: The series concept is fully developed, subject to change of course, with a solid 5-7 year series plan, pilot script and a conceptualized finale that intends to define Star Trek for generations, extensive character bios, costume and ship/set designs, and more. This is a drastic departure from the typical 8-10 page treatment of the previously pitched Star Trek series ideas that have not included even a pilot script.

Trevino: Star Trek has now been re-imagined via JJ Abrams well received vision of Gene Roddenberry's original series. Can you elaborate on whether your series will follow that same path?

Foster: Though Kevin and I did thoroughly enjoy Star Trek (2009), the vision that we have created is true to the "pre-2009 screen canon" (TV and movies). We were also careful with the Star Trek: Enterprise canon as well. Through the years, I have had the chance to get to know many of the original series cast, crew, and even some of the studio execs. I have developed an extremely deep passion for the original vision of Gene Roddenberry. And while Star Trek has moved on with other series that were not exactly in line with Gene's original vision, the roots are there to tap into.

Trevino: What is the time frame of your series?

Foster: The series is set in the post-Voyager era, and is designed to return Star Trek to its original series roots in big and mighty ways, without disregarding the other series and movies. As Star Trek (2009) was an alternate timeline, it will not conflict with any canon there either (Note: David does accept it as an "alternate canon", if you will). The co-creators are avid believers in Gene Roddenberry's 'positive view of the future' and intend to bring Star Trek back to its origins while moving forward with the timeline, integrating the best aspects of each of the previous series.

Trevino: What kind of show will it be?

Foster: The series is highly energized with a much younger cast, and uses cutting-edge future technologies with newly envisioned special effects and designs. It includes Klingons, Ferengi, Andorians, Vulcans, Trill, and many more. The Klingons are getting very restless since the Praxis incident forced them to come to the peace tables, and are tired of having to rely on the Federation for support. The Ferengi have discovered a vast new resource that has propelled them towards instant riches and power beyond anything they have previously experienced.

Trevino: What kind of feedback have you received and have you spoken to CBS about the project?

Foster: While all of the feedback and news has been completely positive and we continue to make great progress and garner support from key individuals, 1947 Entertainment has not yet, officially, pitched this to CBS.

Trevino: Have you spoken to anyone else about the series?

Foster: Numerous individuals with Star Trek experience are supporting our endeavor with encouragement and advisory roles, including prior producers, visual effects, script writers, and more. We are currently working on obtaining the right executive producer for the series, and have passed on requests by a couple of interested parties.

Trevino: Is there anything else you can offer the fans at this time?

Foster: There remains a possibility of a pitch trailer for this proposal, though the costs and logistics of adequate sets and locations seem to have tabled this option for us thus far. Until then, here's the Teaser: If evil wore the face of a hero, would you recognize it? If freedom came in the likeness of your oppressors, would you accept it? If you were your own enemy, who would be victorious?

Trevino: So the S.E.T.I. project listed on the 1947 website is your Star Trek series?


Foster: S.E.T.I. has been the code name for the Star Trek project, though the actual title of the proposed series has yet to be made public.


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