Mad Max 4: Fury Road
- Elkjaer-Larsen
- Kinderkommando
- Beiträge: 882
- Registriert: 10.07.2007, 03:12
- Wohnort: Berlin
Behind the Scenes:
Mad Max: Fury Road is going back for three more weeks of additional filming
Now we are learning that MAD MAX: FURY ROAD is going to be doing some additional filming in Miller's native Australia with the principal cast in tow. These are not being called "reshoots" but rather additional filming which could just be a fancy way of saying reshoots. I would think that after six months of shooting and almost a year since that ended that the filmmakers would have known what they had and what they still needed to get. The budget for MAD MAX: FURY ROAD is already north of $100 million so what we have now is the question of whether the movie is going to be good enough to make that money back. Miller was long rumored to be filming MAD MAX: FURY ROAD back to back with MAD MAX: FURIOSA. We haven't heard anything about that second chapter for a while so it is unknown what the hell is going on. MAD MAX: FURY ROAD is still tentatively slated for a 2014 release, but I will temper my expectations until we actually get some hard evidence the movie is complete. (
Quelle: slashfilm.comMad Max: Fury Road has had a notoriously troubled pre-production and production process, and we heard last month that the film was going in for reshoots. However, none of those hardships will matter if the final product kicks ass — and according to an early report, it does.
An insider who saw the movie described it as “end to end, a badass chase filled with incredible action.” In fact, says the individual, the reshoots are actually a great sign. The studio loved George Miller‘s work so much, they gave him more money so he could shoot an expensive action sequence just the way he’d wanted to.
- Elkjaer-Larsen
- Kinderkommando
- Beiträge: 882
- Registriert: 10.07.2007, 03:12
- Wohnort: Berlin
neues Photo
Quelle: ... ad-and-maxThe newest edition of the "Mad Max" will take place before the second installment. The story will fill the gap of how Max (Hardy) transitioned from a rogue police officer to a survivalist in the Outback as he was portrayed in the second and third films.
Shortly after avenging his wife and son's death, Max Rockatansky left the MFP and headed for the Outback. He is now on his own as the world slowly plummets in the aftermath of the oil crisis and the global war. With nothing except his powerful Pursuit Special, Max now has to learn how to survive the post-apocalyptic wastelands and battle the fierce, ruthless warriors who inhabit them.
- Elkjaer-Larsen
- Kinderkommando
- Beiträge: 882
- Registriert: 10.07.2007, 03:12
- Wohnort: Berlin
In der Tat.kami hat geschrieben:Hui, ganz schön heiß, die Charlize mit kurzen Haaren.
Der Begriff Mad Max erzeugt nunmal gewisse Assoziationen.SFI hat geschrieben:[...]Schon alleine die ganzen gepimpten Karren zeugen von Einfallslosigkeit, als ob diese Zutat bei einem Endzeitfilm einer gesetzmäßigen Logik folgt.
Teaser Trailer
Actionmäßig sieht das ziemlich fett aus, laut imdb sollen 80% der Action und Stunts handmade sein. Auch frische Ideen (etwa die an den Stangen herunterschwingenden Banditen) sind zu verzeichnen, da habe ich große Vorfreude.
Bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass sich Miller nicht wieder in religiös-pathetische Erlösertopoi verrennt wie beim dritten Teil; die im Trailer angedeutete "Passion of Mad Max" sollte bitte lieber kurz gefasst werden.
Bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass sich Miller nicht wieder in religiös-pathetische Erlösertopoi verrennt wie beim dritten Teil; die im Trailer angedeutete "Passion of Mad Max" sollte bitte lieber kurz gefasst werden.
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Perry Van Shrike: "Look up 'idiot' in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?" - Harry Lockhart: "A picture of me?" - Perry Van Shrike: "No! The definition of the word idiot, cause that is what you fucking are!" [Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang]
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