[TV] 51st State (Syfy)

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[TV] 51st State (Syfy)

Beitrag von SFI » 13.01.2015, 17:44

Syfy announced today that it is developing a one-hour drama series about a futuristic prison society, “51st State,” from Fox 21 Television Studios.

Oscar nominee Craig Borten (Dallas Buyers Club), who sold the pitch to Syfy, will write the pilot. Peter Chernin (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes), Katherine Pope (“New Girl”) and Borten will serve as executive producers.

As “51st State” unfolds, the United States, confronting a prison population stretched to the limit, purchases Greenland and converts it into a frontier prison colony with male and female convicts incarcerated together.

Promised conditional freedom, the inmates are driven to the edge of their humanity when that promise, along with others, is broken. Struggling to seize control and exact revenge, reluctant heroes emerge — but what exactly are they fighting for?
Quelle: comingsoon.net

„Fate: Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.“


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