The Last Kingdom is an adaptation of Bernard Cornwell's Saxon Warlord Chronicles. The books follow Uhtred of Bebbanburg from a boy taken from his birthright and raised by Vikings, later fighting for King Alfred the Great and his son Edward. Shield walls, blood, revenge and the forging of many Kingdoms into one nation, a dream of Alfred's called England.
Netflix is set to do a feature film continuation of its historical drama series “The Last Kingdom”. The show’s leading man Alexander Dreymon made the announcement at London MCM Comic Con today.
Titled “Seven Kings Must Die,” the two-hour feature will be backed by Carnival Films and filming will begin early next year in Budapest. Dreymon will reprise his lead role and will be joined by many of the series cast, along with some new faces.
Next year’s fifth and final season is set to “fully conclude” the series according to producer Nigel Marchant, but “there was always one more story that we wanted to tell” which is what the movie will cover.
Das ist ein klassische gute Nachricht / schlechte Nachricht Szenario.
Wenigstens wird es ein angestrebtes Ende und endet nicht in einem Cliffhanger.
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