[TV] Jack Ryan (amazon)
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[TV] Jack Ryan (amazon)
Tom Clancys CIA-Heldenfigur Jack Ryan wandert nach fünf Spielfilmen in die Fernsehwelt ab und wird seine eigene Serie auf Amazon erhalten. Der VoD-Anbieter hat kürzlich das Armdrücken um die Rechte für sich entschieden.
Weiterlesen auf Serienjunkies.de
Weiterlesen auf Serienjunkies.de

"And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from
Thy hand.That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth
to Thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patri Et Filii.Spiritus Sancti"
- John_Clark
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- Registriert: 25.03.2007, 20:56
- Wohnort: Basel
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John Krasinski:
Quelle: collider.com“We’re doing 10 episodes and I think the interesting part about it is exactly what you said, everything’s changed so much; the line between film and TV has blurred so much over the years, I think Jack Ryan is a product of that blurring so much that I think that they’re not even really considering it a TV show, they’re calling it a movie that’s being told in 10 parts; and that’s not just an argument of semantics, it’s actually true.
Carlton Cuse’s whole plan is we’re gonna shoot it on a movie budget, we’re gonna have the same stunts as movies, it’s gonna feel like a movie but you’re gonna watch it every week. His whole idea was he just felt that two hours wasn’t enough time to tell a Jack Ryan story because Tom Clancy’s books are so detailed and rich, and the character of Jack Ryan if he has a superpower is his intelligence, so there’s a lot of problem solving and things that take time, and that’s the beauty of the spy genre. That’s what I found was the best pitch to me is it’s really just what’s the best format to tell this story?” “Every year they’re gonna be different. They’re sort of more ripped-from-the-headlines type stuff, so the first year the villain or I don’t know what you want to call it is it’s taking on ISIS for sure.”
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Auf jeden Fall mal eine (kleine) Ansage was die Produktionsqualität betrifft.
Auf jeden Fall mal eine (kleine) Ansage was die Produktionsqualität betrifft.
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joblo vergibt 10/10
Re: [TV] Jack Ryan (amazon)
Vorab um eine 3. Staffel verlängert
Re: [TV] Jack Ryan (amazon)
Season 2 Trailer
Re: [TV] Jack Ryan (amazon)

Ich mache keine Rechtschreibfehler, ich gebe Wörtern lediglich eine individuelle Note
Re: [TV] Jack Ryan (amazon)
Season 2 Premiere 1.11.19
Re: [TV] Jack Ryan (amazon)
Vorzeitig um eine 4. Staffel verlängert.
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