Day of the Dead (eine Ode an George A. Romero / SyFy)

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Day of the Dead (eine Ode an George A. Romero / SyFy)

Beitrag von StS » 26.07.2021, 09:36

“Day of the Dead” is the story of six strangers trying to survive the first 24 hours of an undead invasion. This ode to George A. Romero’s famous flesh-eaters reminds us that sometimes all it takes to bring people together is a horde of hungry zombies trying to rip them apart.”

Day of the Dead stars Keenan Tracey (Bates Motel), Daniel Doheny (Alex Strangelove), Natalie Malaika (Fractured), Kristy Dinsmore (Vikings), and newcomer Morgan Holmstrom.

10 Episoden wird es erst einmal geben.


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