Justified: City Primeval (Mini-Serie - wieder mit Timothy Olyphant!)

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Justified: City Primeval (Mini-Serie - wieder mit Timothy Olyphant!)

Beitrag von StS » 14.01.2022, 19:13

Justified: City Primeval is happening over at FX. The limited series finds Timothy Olyphant reprising his role as the U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens, who in the new story has relocated to Miami. The revival comes seven years after the end of FX’s Justified, with Sony Pictures Television and FX Productions producing.

Based on the Elmore Leonard novel City Primeval: High Noon in Detroit, the series picks up eight years after the events of Justified. According to Deadline‘s description, Givens has left Kentucky and relocated to Miami, where he’s balancing his life as a marshal and part-time father to a 14-year-old girl. A chance encounter on a Florida highway sends him to Detroit and he crosses paths with Clement Mansell, aka The Oklahoma Wildman, a violent sociopath who’s already slipped through the fingers of Detroit’s finest once and wants to do so again...


Action Prolet
Action Prolet
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Re: Justified: City Primeval (Mini-Serie - wieder mit Timothy Olyphant!)

Beitrag von Nachtwaechter » 15.01.2022, 13:05

Freu mich drauf... aber man sollte nicht vergessen welche Wichtigkeit "Byod Crowder" im Gesamtwerk hatte. Ohne ihn droht etwas Essentielles zu fehlen!
"Nur der verrückte glaubt er sei nicht verrückt!" Zenmeister Taisen Deshimaru

Letterboxd: Reviews

Beiträge: 28624
Registriert: 04.10.2005, 21:43
Wohnort: Harsh Realm, Hannover

Re: Justified: City Primeval (Mini-Serie - wieder mit Timothy Olyphant!)

Beitrag von StS » 25.02.2022, 17:18

Verhandlungen laufen: Quentin Tarantino würde gern "ein paar Folgen" inszenieren.

Beiträge: 28624
Registriert: 04.10.2005, 21:43
Wohnort: Harsh Realm, Hannover

Re: Justified: City Primeval (Mini-Serie - wieder mit Timothy Olyphant!)

Beitrag von StS » 31.05.2023, 19:47


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