Hab beim besten Willen nichts gegen afro-amerikanische (und Du nenst mich einen Rassisten - pah!) Darsteller, aber Eddie ist und bleibt ne Knalltüte vor dem Herrn!

StS hat geschrieben:I´ve got 3 little Words for you, Bi-atsch: Half Past Dead !!! 8-)
Hab beim besten Willen nichts gegen afro-amerikanische (und Du nenst mich einen Rassisten - pah!) Darsteller, aber Eddie ist und bleibt ne Knalltüte vor dem Herrn!
Interessant, naja mal abwarten. Ich würde natürlich gerne wieder einen Seagal im Kino sehen. Aber noch glaub ich das nicht dass das stimmt.wolfman hat geschrieben:Naja sie haben immerhin schon etlich produziert, die dann auch im Kino liefen! *klick*
user von imdb hat geschrieben:I was lucky enough to see some of the footage from this one and I gotta tell ya, as a real fan, this is the BEST action I've seen Steven perform in at least 10 years!
You other Seagal fans are gonna love it. I saw Steven kick...YES,KICK...in three different scenes. No stunt guys! He does his stuff.
The movie is awesomely shot, as well. None of this "shadow on 3/4 of Stevens's face" mumbo jumbo. I'm talking daylight! Full body! None of those goofy super-tight shots of face as he drives. He really drives in this one!
Steven's even wearing non-black colors. Earth tones, for cryin' out loud. Nothing goofy like his fringed jacket as Forrest Taft in "On Deadly Ground". I mean, he wears everyday clothes! It's great.
The music is great. The rap tunes I heard in it were great, and the composing parts I heard were perfect for the scenes.
The supporting cast is great, especially Eddie Griffin. He lets loose a couple one-liners that will make you howl.
I can honestly say that no Seagal film in the past 5 years deserves to be in theatres more than "OUATITH".
We fans have waited a long time, and suffered through a lot of ca-ca, to get to this point, but it's finally here. A killer Seagal action flick!
Max Bannister is a street cop working in the heart of a poverty stricken city who made the mistake of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Gunned down in a senseless act of violence his murder goes unsolved and his killer unidentified. His family, the community, and the police department morn the loss of young Max. During the well attended funeral we meet his father, Simon, who has a cold disposition and a thirst for revenge.
Acting on that emotion, Simon moves into the very neighborhood that Max was killed in. Simon spends his days asking questions and cracking heads as he searches for the killer of his son. Making enemies with the local gang members he finds himself a target of their hostility. While defending himself and continuning the investigation we quickly learn that Simon is not your average father. His ability with weapons and his flawless fighting skills, indicate the dark past of a man who has spent a lifetime in the Government special ops arena. Using the help of a young gang member named Gary, and a beautiful store owner named Alice, Simon starts to uncover a tangled web of deceit and murder. As he gets closer to the truth, the violence around him intensifies to the boiling point. In a high octane finale, Simon takes out the men responsible for his sons death and the gang members who protected them. Bringing closure to his loss and peace to the neighborhood.
Wie wärs mit nem Sammelthread mit allen Interviews dieser Art?-Another story has it that you’ve got an IQ of 160…
-I don’t know. That was probably before I got kicked in the head.
Link?jack warrior hat geschrieben:ist wohl der rest eines grossen interviews den sie nicht in der zeitung veröffentlicht ham. gibts auch zu seagal und van damm auf der seite. aber van damme kommt schon in der ersten antwort als arogantes arschloch rüber, fängt sich dann inder nächsten wieder. aber da hab ich schon aufgehört zu lesen *g
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