There Will Be Blood

Welche neuen Blockbuster versprechen viel und taugen wenig? Was gibt es Neues im Actionfilmsektor?
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There Will Be Blood

Beitrag von djoli » 05.11.2007, 11:51

A sprawling epic of family, faith, power and oil, THERE WILL BE BLOOD is set on the incendiary frontier of California’s turn-of-the-century petroleum boom. The story chronicles the life and times of one Daniel Plainview (Daniel Day-Lewis), who transforms himself from a down-and-out silver miner raising a son on his own into a self-made oil tycoon. When Plainview gets a mysterious tip-off that there’s a little town out West where an ocean of oil is oozing out of the ground, he heads with his son, H.W. (Dillon Freasier), to take their chances in dust-worn Little Boston. In this hardscrabble town, where the main excitement centers around the holy roller church of charismatic preacher Eli Sunday (Paul Dano), Plainview and H.W. make their lucky strike. But even as the well raises all of their fortunes, nothing will remain the same as conflicts escalate and every human value – love, hope, community, belief, ambition and even the bond between father and son – is imperiled by corruption, deception and the flow of oil. ... llbeblood/
Vielleicht war das Pulver feucht...
Oder du bist einfach nur scheiße!

Action Experte
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Registriert: 27.10.2004, 21:29
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Beitrag von MysteryBobisCREEPY » 05.11.2007, 15:50

Finde den Trailer richtig dufte und Daniel Day-Lewis rockt eh!
Wollt Ihr 'nen Ritt auf meinem Discostick?
Putzt euch die Zähne mit 'ner bottle of shit
Nein Mann ich will noch nicht gehen
Ich will weiter auf dich schiffen
Solang bis du erkennst
Dass meine Pisse keine Fanta ist :D
Callejon <3


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