Marker (2007) ~ Seagal mit TRAILER!!!

Welche neuen Blockbuster versprechen viel und taugen wenig? Was gibt es Neues im Actionfilmsektor?
Action Prolet
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Beitrag von EatenAlive » 16.05.2007, 10:23

Schon faszinierend wie das Klöppschen sich von Film zu Film weiter demontiert und seine eigene Karikatur wird. :wink:
Trust Me, I'm a Doctor!!

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Mein Last.FM Profil

John Woo
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Beitrag von John Woo » 16.05.2007, 15:06

John Woo
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Beitrag von John Woo » 16.05.2007, 19:07

Anklicken um die Bilder grösser zu sehen!!!



Der, der gegenüber von Seagal steht (mit der grauen Jacke) ist der Regisseur Roel Reiné


Action Prolet
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Beitrag von daemonicus » 16.05.2007, 19:53

und wer ist das dicke Drogenmännchen auf dem untersten Bild? :lol:

jack warrior
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Beitrag von jack warrior » 16.05.2007, 20:23

seagal schaut schlanker aus als sonst ... ein gutes zeichen *g

John Woo
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Beitrag von John Woo » 16.05.2007, 20:35

Joa zwar meilenweit entfernt von seiner Figur in Exit Wounds, aber immerhin.

Ausserdem läuft er offensichtlich nicht mehr in den Bademänteln rum, auch n' positives Detail.

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Beitrag von Mr. TNT » 16.05.2007, 20:36

Stimmt, er hat an den Ohrläppchen ein wenig abgenommen! :lol: Wir geben die Hoffnung nicht auf! :wink:
"I come in Peace" - "And now you go in Pieces!" - Zitat aus DARK ANGEL

jack warrior
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Beitrag von jack warrior » 16.05.2007, 20:36

stimmt! mal schaun wie er wird. und sein haar wirkt auch mal wieder "echt" soweit man das beurteilen kann.... eventeull hatte er nur nen miesen friseur oder das fett ist ihm auf die haare geschlagen früher.

John Woo
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Beitrag von John Woo » 22.05.2007, 20:16

Nette Bilder auf dem obigen Link, ausserdem müsste das hier das Set-Buffet sein::lol: ... 071984.jpg

Wahrscheinlich voll mit irgendwelchen Süssigkeiten und Seagals Energy-Drinks. :lol:

John Woo
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Beitrag von John Woo » 27.05.2007, 01:20

Lance Henriksen spielt mit! Yeah!!! ( )

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Beitrag von StS » 27.05.2007, 09:48

Neeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnn !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jetzt "muß" ich mir den Mist sogar ansehen... :cry:

John Woo
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Beitrag von John Woo » 27.05.2007, 13:25

LOL, biste Lance Henriksen Fan oder wie?

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Beitrag von StS » 27.05.2007, 14:07

Mega-LOL ... dass Dir das noch nicht aufgefallen ist - nur mal die Zahl der besprochenen Filme ansehen :wink:

John Woo
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Beitrag von John Woo » 28.05.2007, 14:28

Vom denselbem Regisseur kommt neu ja auch "Deadwater", ebenfalls mit Lance Henriksen, wahrscheinlich wirst du dann ein Auge darauf werfen. :wink: ... ltered.jpg ... ltered.jpg


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Beitrag von StS » 28.05.2007, 14:29

Danke für die Info und den Teaser-Link! :D

John Woo
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Beitrag von John Woo » 22.06.2007, 23:52

Stunt Driver Chris Robinson & Steven Seagal on the set of "Marker" Photo by Jim Young


John Woo
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Beitrag von John Woo » 03.07.2007, 21:22

John Woo
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Beitrag von John Woo » 12.07.2007, 18:10

Der Regisseur hat auf etwa 40 Fragen geantwortet, interessiert das jemanden?

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Beitrag von LivingDead » 12.07.2007, 18:13

Das weiß ich erst, wenn ich die Fragen sehe... ;)
Mit freundlichem Gruß

jack warrior
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Beitrag von jack warrior » 12.07.2007, 20:46

ja mich her mit posten posten!

John Woo
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Beitrag von John Woo » 12.07.2007, 20:53

Ok, also, durch meine bescheidene Organisation konnte Roel Reiné, der Regisseur von Marker, im Unofficial Forum den Fans einige Fragen (etwa 40 Stück) beantworten.

Ich poste diese hier mal. Meinungen und Gedanken sind gerne erwünscht. War cool und mal wieder positiv überraschend, dass das so reibungslos geklappt hat.
Hi to you all,
Roel Reine here to answer your questions.
I will answer them within this long reply:

Dear mr. Reine, how was Your experience in working on a movie with Seagal?

-> I loved working on this movie, it was a blast and a challenge because it was a very tight schedule.

Your previous movies have been made with a very small budget, this is your first movie with a budget over 10 milion. Does the increase in budget translate in more investment in visual quality or does it all disappear in more manpower?

-> On this level of making movies, the budget is maybe higher but with these production things in place it is a low budget movie. We had 19 days to shoot this movie. Because I know how to shoot low budget movies, MARKER will look like a high budget film. Also in the end it doesn't really matters how much money you have to spend, it al comes back on the script, your actors and were do you put the camera.

On your website you've posted to be in the editing/post production phase of Marker. When do you expect to be able to release the movie and does it have potential for a theatrical release?

-> I don't know when it will be released, there is not a date set yet.

Is it hard for a Dutch-man to get a movie-career going in the US and do you think working with people like Seagal and Henriksen are helpfull in evolving your career to a next level?

-> It is not so difficult working in Hollywood for me as a Dutch-man, with this movie I made for the first time a studio movie and that will help. But right after I'm finished I'm doing an independent movie again.

All the things we have seen uptill now from Marker do look promising, only downside at this point is that we've only seen Seagal on set but not acting or in action yet. Did mr. Seagal do all his characters work of was there frequent need of body/stunt doubles?

-> In my first meeting with Mr. Seagal I spoke with him about that and that I really wanted for him to do everything himself. In MARKER he did, he has done almost every shot. Sometimes it is just to dangerous and you use a stunt double and sometimes it is a time schedule reason I used a double. But he never did so much stuff himself in any movie in the last 7 years then in MARKER.

Are there many action scenes in Marker? And how many hand-to-hand-fights are there? And who did the fight choreography and did he include Seagals aikido-techniques?

-> Yes, there are many action scenes in Marker, in the end there is this incredible gun battle that runs almost 10 minutes. Yes, there is a lot of hand-to-hand fights in this movie. At those moments I've seen how fast he is and shot some very cool shots. I hate all these other movie that use quick cuts and close-ups to edit a fight scene. i made sure to have incredible master shots, with moving camera's were you see Seagal fighting. I think you guys will love it.

Many people are a bit terughoudend (I couldn't think of the English word) about a dutch director who most of them never heard of. Does this put an extra stress on you to make the movie a succes or do you feel the underdog that can make a difference by just doing his job right?

-> I'm absolutely not nervous at all. I went in this project as I always have done, I'm a Rebel and love shooting movies. MARKER is the best movie he has done in many years.

What's the running time of the film?

-> I don't know yet, but probably between the 95-100 minutes.

Did you used any stock footage (I hope not, or not many...) ?

-> Hell no, we shot everything ourselves.

Did Steven gives a good performance in it?

-> the best in years, action and drama

Is "Marker" the final title?

-> Yes, I think so.

How long was the shooting? And when is the post production finished?

-> We shot in 19 days and the movie is finished in 2 months from now.

Which of the old Seagal Films could be best compared with this here?

-> I think this one is unique by itself. it has a very personal story.

Do you think this the best Seagal Films since Exit Wounds?

-> Yes!!

Because the most of the films since Exit Wounds aren't that good (with too muchs stunt/photo doubles, bad effects and too much stock footage) and all fans around the world hope, that there will come a new time with better films with Mr. Seagal.

-> This is that movie.

Do you want to work with Steven again and if yes, is there something in discussion?

-> I had great fun working with Steven. There are several movies I'm working on right now that are not with Seagal. But you never know what will happen in the future.

whats the budget for the film?

-> $10 mln

does seagal play a flawed character?

-> What do you mean?

are you the editor of this film?

-> No, Todd Ramsey is, but I cut the teaser.

- Does Steven makes good fights in it? In the last films there were a lot of fight and stunt doubles for Steven, and the fans don't liked that. I hope that he makes the most of the fights without a double.

-> He did everything himself this time and it looks really cool.

- What kind of action is there to see in this film?

-> Hand-to-hand fighting (multiple scenes), car chase, gun battles, etc.

- Is the film shot in 1.85 : 1 or in 2.35 : 1 ?

-> 1.85

- Did you liked to work with Steven?

-> Yes, he is a great guy with a lot of good ideas and very nice to work with.

- When could we see a first trailer and poster on your website?

-> There is a teaser, but I don't know when I can put this on a website, that is up to Sony.

- Do you think this film has a theatrical look?

-> Absolutely yes, that is also my style. I operated the A-camera and came up with all the shots.

- Who makes the music of this film?

-> probably Jerry Brunskill

- Could you tell us something about the story and about the role of Lance Henriksen?

-> You can read that on IMDB. Lance plays the guy Seagal needs to work for.

And: Do you have more photos of this film? Could you upload some photos? For example from the action scences, from Seagal and from Lance Henriksen.

-> I have to wait on Sony with that, sorry.

1.what kind of movie is it going to is it a all out action film or is it more a crime/thriller?

-> It is an action crime movie, a lot of story in the beginning and a lot of action in the end.

2.are your 2 films deadwater and drifter going to get cinema releases?

-> DRIFTER, small release in Europe, DEADWATER i think not in USA.

3.what would you say your directing style is?

-> My directing style is very emotional intens, stylistic, camera moves all the time, wide shots, stylistic action like a opera, I use a lot of slomotion, a lot of focus on performance.

4.what kind of fight scenes are in the are the fight scenes gritty or less violent?

-> Both, It shows the old styly Seagal but shot more stylistic and it shows you a new style of Seagal.

5.what kind of acting performance does seagal give in this film?

-> You will see sides of him that are very surprising. He has some very emotional Father-daugther scenes in it and also some good revenge kills. All in all unique stuff.

-> Thanks for your interest in this movie and I hope MARKER will be a movie on your favorite list, together with Under Siege and Exit Wounds off course.


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Beitrag von Joker6686 » 12.07.2007, 21:31

Stellenweise sehr interessant! Leider viele Standard Antworten, kaum ein Regiesseur würde seinen eigenen Film vorm Release schlecht machen und wieviel Wahrheit nun in den Aussagen steckt was Doubles angeht bleibt abzuwarten. Allerdings köstlich was manche Leute fragen bzw. wie sie die Fragen auf Englisch stellen! Ansonsten Top Arbeit von dir John, dass zu organisieren.

John Woo
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Beitrag von John Woo » 27.07.2007, 15:42

Neue Fotos! Eure Meinungen?




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Beitrag von Trinity » 27.07.2007, 16:17

hihi ich wette john freut sich am meissten über das 2te foto :D

sieht net schlecht aus, mal sehn ob das was wird ^^
...Mundus vult decipi...

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Beitrag von Hannibal » 27.07.2007, 16:20

Seh das jetzt erst mit den vielen Fragen. Very Nice, John :-)
Klingt ja, als ob der Film tatsächlich was werden könnte. Ich bin gespannt...


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Beitrag von SFI » 27.07.2007, 16:56

imo wäre paar coole Fights und paar derbe Oneliner schon mal ein Anfang, ich brauch da keine Autostunts oder ähnliches.

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