Es scheint Mode zu sein, aus einstigen Fake-Trailern echte Spielfilme zu drehen. So plant Planet Terror-Regisseur Robert Rodriguez zu Machete einen Abend füllenden Streifen zu kreieren. Eli Roth (Hostel) geht es direkt eine ganze Spur härter an und knallt uns demnächst einen 90-minütigen Film, nur aus Fake-Trailern bestehend, ins Gesicht. Und nun gesellt sich eventuell auch noch Rob Zombie, dieses Jahr mit dem Halloween-Remake in den Kinos, zu den beiden Vorreitern ins Boot. In seinem MySpaceBlog fragt er die User ganz unverblümt: "How many of you would like to see a full length movie of WEREWOLF WOMEN OF THE SS?"
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Werewolf Women of the SS Film?
- MysteryBobisCREEPY
- Action Experte
- Beiträge: 8144
- Registriert: 27.10.2004, 21:29
- Wohnort: 7ter Kreis der Hölle
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Official Statement Regarding 'Werewolf Women of the S.S.'
I got an official statement this morning from Rob Zombie's camp regarding the news that hit the web last night. Yesterday Zombie asked on his blog, "How many of you would like to see a full length movie of WEREWOLF WOMEN OF THE SS?" The original was created as a faux trailer used in the middle of Dimension's Grindhouse, which featured a film by Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez. Zombie's camp tells us officially, "We are strongly considering doing this film." We'll keep you updated on anything official. Nazi, guns, werewolves and more... sounds like Indiana Jones on steroids! (Bloody Disgusting)
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