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Zack und Deborah Snyder, das Regisseur/ Produzentin-Team vom kommenden Watchmen-Film berichten, dass die Länge des Films noch nicht abgenommen wurde.
„Wir sind kurz vorm Abschluss. Derzeit sind wir bei einer Laufzeit von 2 Stunden und 35 Minuten.“ berichtet Deborah Snyder dem Sci Fi Wire in einem Telefoninterview.
„Watchmen: Film wird immer kürzer“ nachzulesen bei Serienjunkies
„Der Film ist im Vergleich zu 300 ziemlich lang. Der Directors's Cut wird 3 Stunden und 10 Minuten lang sein und sich sehr viel dichter am Originalcomic anlehnen, als die Kinoversion.“ sagte Regisseur Zack Snyder.
Snyder hat bereits eine animierte Version des „Tales of the Black Freighter“ fertig gestellt. In dem packenden Teil des Watchmen-„Graphic-Novels“, liest ein Charakter den Comic „Marooned“, in dem es um einen Überlebenden eines Piratenangriffs geht, der das Undenkliche tut um nach Hause zu kommen. Der animierte Film soll parallel zum Filmstart im März auf DVD erscheinen. Für die wahren Fans, wird der Film mit den animierten Teilen nach dem Filmstart irgendwann auf DVD erscheinen und ca. 3 Stunden und 40 Minuten lang sein.
„Watchmen“ soll im März 2009 weltweit in die Kinos kommen.
Quelle: variety.comA Los Angeles federal judge has ruled that 20th Century Fox owns the distribution rights to "Watchmen," representing a setback for Warner Bros.' plans to release the pic in March.
"Fox owns a copyright interest consisting of, at the very least, the right to distribute the ‘Watchmen’ motion picture," the ruling said.
Judge Gary Allen Feess issued the surprise ruling Wednesday -- a week after setting a Jan. 20 trial date for Fox's suit -- and indicated he would issue a more detailed ruling soon. Warner spokesman Scott Rowe declined to comment.
Warner Bros. has not backed off a release date of March 6 for "Watchmen," directed by Zack Snyder and starring Patrick Wilson and Jackie Earle Haley.
Fox filed the suit in February, contending it retains distribution rights to the graphic novel penned by Alan Moore and illustrated by Dave Gibbons.
The suit asserts that producer Lawrence Gordon's option to acquire Fox's remaining interest in "Watchmen" was never exercised, thereby leaving Fox with its rights under a 1994 turnaround agreement. Warner Bros. has denied Fox's assertions and contended Fox doesn't hold the copyright.
Fox originally acquired the rights to "Watchmen" in the late 1980s and spent more than $1 million developing the project, which later went to Universal and then Paramount before landing at Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures.
Quelle: THR.comTuesday, Jan. 20 could be D-day in the "Watchmen" dispute. Or rather I-day, when Fox and Warner Bros. have agreed to let Judge Gary A. Feess decide whether to issue an injunction against the film's release.
But Warners is asking that the hearing be moved up to as early as Monday because "time is critical," the studio argues in papers filed this week. "Watchmen" is scheduled for a March 6 bow, and Warners must soon commit to tens of millions of dollars in marketing for a film it isn't sure it can release.
The injunction fight stems from Feess' Christmas Eve preliminary ruling that Fox has a right to distribute the Zack Snyder adaptation of the popular graphic novel. Feess found that producer Lawrence Gordon failed to acquire Fox's entire interest in "Watchmen," thereby leaving Fox with rights under a 1994 turnaround agreement.
The studios are now battling over the key issue of whether that decision allows Fox to stop the film's release or whether the parties should proceed to a trial over money damages.
In papers filed this week, the studios laid out their arguments. Warners cites a precedent-setting decision involving eBay that says a plaintiff in a copyright-infringement case must, among other things, prove that it will be irreparably harmed without an injunction and that money damages will not be an adequate remedy.
In fact, Warners claims, the opposite is true in this case. While Fox had "abandoned" the "Watchmen" property, Warners claims it has spent more than $150 million to make and market the film in a "carefully choreographed" plan to peak moviegoer interest on March 6. Barring the release will cause grave damage to Warners and third parties like exhibitors who are counting on the release of the movie, the studio argues.
Fox claims that the eBay case does not apply in this instance and that Warners' infringement of its rights entitles it to stop the release.
A status conference is scheduled for Friday morning in Feess' Los Angeles courtroom to determine when the hearing will take place. Warners is seeking to bring live witnesses to the proceeding, while Fox instead wants Feess to stop the release based on arguments submitted to the judge in writing. The hearing is expected to last two to three days and could feature testimony from top studio execs like Warners domestic distribution head Dan Fellman.
If the injunction is granted, Warners would be barred from releasing the film, though it likely would appeal immediately. Feess has encouraged the parties to settle the dispute.
Fox initially filed suit in February.
Quelle: THR.comA scheduled Tuesday court conference between Fox and Warner Bros. attorneys has been canceled, fueling talk that a settlement in the contentious "Watchmen" case is imminent.
Fox sued Warners last February, saying the Burbank-based studio infringed on its rights to make the comic book adaptation. In December, when federal judge Gary A. Feess ruled that Fox has distribution rights to the film, Warners faced the prospect of having the film's March 6 release blocked.
Settlement talks between the two sides became serious over the weekend and continued to heat up yesterday.
A settlement could cost Warners tens of millions of dollars. A case involving copyright ownership of Warners' "The Dukes of Hazzard," which Feess blocked from release in 2005, ended in a settlement worth a reported $17.5 million.
With "Watchmen," an adaptation of the Alan Moore graphic novel with a budget in the $130 million range, the financial stakes are higher. According to sources, Fox is asking for upfront fees as well as a percentage of the back-end.
Quelle: aintitcool.netYes, it's long but yes it's extremely faithful to the graphic novel, to the point that the sex and violence is almost HARSHER than I remember it being in the comic. Cleavers are embeddded in heads, legs snapped in two, arms sawn off with circular saws. No punches are pulled. Small changes have been made here and there (Dr Manhattan being at the first moon landing and The Comedian pulling the trigger on Kennedy in the opening credit montage and quite a lot of extra Nixon and Kissinger stuff) but it's all very delicately handled by someone who has fought hard to keep the source material there and knows how to compliment it - it's very impressive.
Visually it's as if they've all stepped out of the comic and only the bare minimum of CGI is used - a concern of mine when I heard Snyder was going to be directing. The cast all look the part and are mostly very good with Jefferey Dean Morgan's Comedian being the standout chewing scenery all the way and Jackie Earle Haley doing a wonderful job behind Rorshasch's mask.
The music is very clever - many of the songs referenced originally are used and he uses The Times They Are A Changin over the opening credits to sweepingly tell the whole story of the Minutemen and costumed heroes right the way to 1985 in 2 minutes.
My only one concern as a fanboy is that the ending has been changed, ever so slightly.
freeman hat geschrieben:Langweilig, Langatmig??? Unterschied ist wo? ;-)
In diesem Sinne:
Der freeman ist so ein männlicher Mann, solche Grauabstufungen kennt der net. bei dem gibbet nur Daumen hoch oder Daumen runter.The Punisher hat geschrieben:freeman hat geschrieben:Langweilig, Langatmig??? Unterschied ist wo? ;-)
In diesem Sinne:
Langweilig: Ich schlafe gleich ein
Langatmig: Ein wenig öde, könnte mehr Tempo vertragen aber erträglich. Man wird noch ganz gut unterhalten
Typischer TV-Spülfilm leserVince hat geschrieben: Der freeman ist so ein männlicher Mann, solche Grauabstufungen kennt der net. bei dem gibbet nur Daumen hoch oder Daumen runter.
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